Pure Generators

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Are You a Frustrated Generator or Manifesting Generator? Here’s How to Know If You’re Experiencing Frustration…

How are you?

Today on Twitter, someone asked a great question:

What are some signs of frustration we should look for that might indicate that it's time to pivot?

For Generators and MGs, frustration shows up when we are not aligned.

While it can sometimes feel like a punishment, it is actually a gift that tells us we could be doing things in a different way.

An easier way.

A more flowing way.

A more satisfying way.

And it's not necessarily an indicator that we've been doing things wrong, either.

Often, it's just time to grow, expand, or level up and what you've been doing won't work anymore.

So, how do we know that we're experiencing frustration?


Here are some signs:

Signs of Generator/MG Frustration:

1. Fatigue and Tension

One of the first signs of frustration often manifests physically. You may notice persistent fatigue despite getting adequate rest, or you might feel muscle tension, particularly in the shoulders and neck. This physical strain is a signal that your energy is being blocked or misused.


2. Feeling drained 

Generators and MGs are natural doers. We are designed to get satisfaction out of working, creating, and building.

When we're doing the right work and activities, we will feel satisfied after we put our energy toward something. So, if your activities are draining you, it might be an indicator that you're not doing the right activity for you, or not doing it in the most satisfying way.


3. Finding yourself watching the clock

When Generators and MGs are aligned, we get into a flow. That doesn't mean we'll never check the clock at work or wish it was 5 p.m. right after lunch.

However, when we're satisfied and engrossed in our activities, we won't be thinking too much about how time is passing—we'll feel motivated to keep doing what we're doing and we won't notice time passing or the time will pass quickly!


4. Dreading getting out of bed

When Generators and MGs are energized by what we're putting our time and energy toward, we don't mind getting out of bed.

Some days we might be excited to get up and start the day and other days we might just feel neutral, but either way, we have so much to look forward to, even if it's just small, satisfying routines, daily progress on what we're doing, and connecting with people we enjoy.

If you notice you are full of dread when you wake up and think about what's awaiting you that day, you're probably feeling frustrated!


5. Bedtime revenge procrastination

You know that feeling where you're tired because you did draining stuff all day, yet you're not satisfied and ready to rest, so you stay up late trying to eke out some satisfaction by watching TV, eating, online shopping, or scrolling? 

Then, you wake up the next day tired and still drained?

This is common behavior for Generators and MGs who aren't satisfied by what they did that day!


6. Overthinking

Even though Generators and MGs can be very intellectually curious and have intense mental energy (especially if you have a defined Head and Ajna), when we get into a flow state doing something we love, we stop overthinking.

When you find yourself overthinking your next move or feeling anxious about what you're doing because you don't enjoy it, you might be frustrated!

Want some tools to help you shift out of frustration and back to satisfaction when you feel like you’re hitting a wall and spinning?


How Frustration Shows Up in My Life

As a Generator, frustration visits me periodically when I’ve gotten out of alignment with my Design or it’s time for me to shift how I’m using my energy.

Here’s a recent example:

A few weeks ago, I was feeling like I didn’t want to work at all. I felt like I needed a huge break from my business. I felt like nothing I was doing was yielding any results—my marketing and posting strategy from the spring had been really smooth and satisfying. I was avoiding certain tasks, and suddenly, I didn’t feel like I wanted to say or do anything. I was dreading my work, overthinking everything I did, and worrying.

As a Generator, it’s never good when I don’t want to work. It usually means I’m burnt out, not doing what I enjoy, or it’s time to do things slightly differently. In this case, I think it was a case of all three! After meeting with my Projector business guide, I decided to temporarily pause one offer/task for now that was burning me out, change up one of my offers to a different format and pricing structure, and put my energy toward marketing and content creation for things I already have. I also decided to give myself the freedom to create a few new things that I was interested in if I felt like it.

After making these changes, I feel unburdened, free, and so much more excited to create and work every day. The frustration is gone! And what it required, as always, was a review of how I was using my energy, brainstorming some ways I could do things differently, and tapping into where my energy actually wants to go right now, instead of where my mind thinks it should go.

What I want you to know is that you absolutely can shift out of frustration!

Generators and MGs will experience flow and satisfaction (a.k.a. the opposite of frustration) when we are doing things we love, honoring our Inner Authority, and waiting to respond.

Here are some resources for you:

  • Pure Generators blog posts

  • Instagram

  • Twitter

  • The Glow-Up—the most comprehensive resource for Generators and MGs that exists. Learn your design, reprogram your subconscious, and make your desires reality!

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