Pure Generators

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Generator and Manifesting Generator Basics


What are the basics of Human Design Generators and MG’s? These are useful whether you are a (Manifesting) Generator, love a (Manifesting) Generator, work with a (Manifesting) Generator, have a (Manifesting) Generator child, etc. So, what makes a (Manifesting) Generator special?

What makes a (Manifesting) Generator?

Generators and MG’s are the only Human Design type that has a defined Sacral Center. If you have this, you are either a Generator or a Manifesting Generator. If you don’t have a direct connection between either the Solar Plexus, Sacral, or Heart Center and the Throat Center, then you are a Generator. Here are two example charts of a Generator and a Manifesting Generator:

Generators and Manifesting Generators are like Human Design siblings - they have the same Strategy, but there are subtle differences in the ways they manifest their creations (which is determined by the frequency of their aura). Both Generators and Manifesting Generators have their Sacral response at the center of their decision-making process.

As Sacral beings, Generators and Manifesting Generators are the creative powerhouses of the world. The Sacral is where creative energy is housed, and this motor center is responsible for building our world. Generators and MG’s are the workers, the builders, the people who take the blueprints and make the vision a reality through hard work and masterful skill. Once the Sacral gets going, it won’t quit until the job is done. However, Generators and MG’s won’t be happy doing just any work - it is important that the work we are doing is exciting, enriching, and in line with their purpose. For a Generator or MG, the truth of what energizes us can’t come from an external source or an idea in our heads. It is something we feel in their bodies and in our energy.

The Sacral needs to tire itself out every day. Generators and MG’s are happiest when they fall into bed exhausted but satisfied with the meaningful work we’ve accomplished.

New! A Modern Guide to Human Design is now available for Pre-order!

The Generator/MG Aura

Auras are the electromagnetic field that surrounds every living thing. Our auras are constantly communicating with each other. Just like no two people, plant, or animal is exactly the same, our auras have different frequencies and ways of engaging with other auras. The Generator aura is the most expansive and open of all the aura types. A Generator aura is open because it is full of the creative energy and life force of the individual. This will be felt by those around it, and it will magnetically pull in people who are attracted to your energy.

The Generator/MG Strategy

So, how do Generators figure out what work to do? How do we get going? How do we navigate the many decisions and pressures of life?

Because our auras are so expansive and inviting, we don’t need to chase down anything. In fact, we shouldn’t. Things that we chase typically won’t manifest - it’s just not how our energy works. Thankfully, our auras are doing the work for us, if we let them. The Generator/MG “Strategy” is to Respond. We can trust that life is coming to us, and what we need to do is know ourselves well and be connected to our Sacral response. People will be drawn to us. Inspiration and clues will be drawn to us as well.

How do we know when to say yes or no? For a Generator, all the wisdom is in our Sacral, which responds to the questions life asks us. “Listening to our gut” is life for Generators. A gut response can also take the form of a feeling in your sacral area. For me, it is an expansion or contraction. This Sacral response is telling us what we have the energy for, and what we don’t. Our Sacral is always taking us toward what lights us up, which is synonymous with our deeper truth, even if that path is winding.

If you have Emotional Authority (if your Solar Plexus is colored in, then you have Emotional Authority), you will then feel your way through your emotions for as long as you need to feel at least 80% sure about whether you ultimately want to commit your energy to something or not.

“Waiting to respond” does not mean doing nothing. We are beings with our senses constantly processing information - everything we experience through our senses is asking for a response. We look out the window and it’s sunny - we are being asked whether we want to go outside or not. We are walking down the street and see an interesting store - should we go in? We go through a difficult experience at work and feel drained - we are being asked whether we want to stay - yes or no? We are constantly responding, and the key is to learn to listen to our gut in order to know what decision is right for us.

As Generators and MG’s, we have to make peace with the sometimes non-linear way we navigate life and tune into our bodies to tell us all the wisdom we need. When we master this, we enter a flow of trust and magical synchronicity that is deeply satisfying. The perfect things seem to just come to us.

For more info on this, download my Free Guide to the Sacral Response!

The Generator/MG Not-Self

“Not-Self” is how Human Design refers to behaviors that result when we go against our natural energy flow/Strategy. When Generators and MG’s are not following their Strategy or Authority, they will feel frustrated and unfulfilled. As Generators and MG’s , we are not supposed to initiate in the way Manifestors do, and when we are trying to live a life where we make things happen based on ideas in our heads, likely these things won’t work out. Or, they will, simply because Generators have so much energy at our disposal, but by the time we arrive at what we thought we wanted, we will be drained, unhappy, and unsatisfied. Trying to manifest from the mind when you are a Generator can also lead to burnout. If you are experiencing frustration, a lack of energy, or feel like you’re pushing to make something happen and not having any luck, you might be experiencing Generator Not-Self.

A Revolution

Generators and MGs make up 70% of the population. Knowing this excites me, because if this 70% of the world woke up to their Sacral guidance - or even just the 70% of the United States - there would be a revolution in the way that work is done, things are created, and human beings were treated in capitalism. The Sacral’s wisdom is connected to all of life and creative energy; if heeded, it would demand humane working conditions, open space for individuality, and prioritize doing things that make us feel good, complete, and satisfied.

Generators and MGs truly have the potential to be walking manifestations of magic and flow in action!



Make sure to keep in touch!

Sources: The Definitive Book of Human Design by Lynda Bunnell and Ra Uru Hu.