Pure Generators

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Reflections on being a Generator- Timing, Pace, and Progress

Today is my 33rd birthday. I’m not a huge celebrator of my birthday…for some reason, it has always felt like an introspective day for me.

I’m not going to lie…I woke up today, took a look at some business goals, and felt a sense of - why am I not closer to where I want to be?

I was supposed to be taking the day off! Ha.

Then I sat back, realized that was not a thought that I needed/wanted to have and decided - it’s my birthday…what’s the biggest gift I could give myself today?

The answer came quickly - I can honor my timing, process, and progress. As a Sacral Being with a defined 5-15 Channel of Rhythm and a defined Root - my pace is set in its ways. I can try to push myself but it’s not going to go very well. I have my own timing. The question should never be - how can I go faster? The question is always - how can I surrender to my own rhythms?

Something immediately shifted and loosened and I was overwhelmed with gratitude. As a Virgo sun and moon, the emotions don’t always flow freely (LOL) but today they did.

For the last year, I’ve had a sense of holding my breath for something and a feeling of tightness in my chest whenever I think about where I am v. where I want to be. I know this isn’t helpful but it has been hard to release. Right now…I’m feeling it go. I’m releasing the constraints and expectations I’ve placed on myself. I’m clear on my desires and that’s all that matters. I’m in constant communication with the universe, who wants to bring exactly what I need to my door.

How about you? Is there anything you’re not accepting about your own pace/timing/energy flow? This goes for Generators and MG’s alike. Do you feel too slow? Too scattered? Too stuck? Too all over the place?

Something inside me says - how could that be possible? Don’t you know you’re a child of God?

It doesn’t have to be your birthday to give yourself this gift. Let’s give it to ourselves every day.



Make sure to keep in touch!