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Human Design Definition - Single, Split, Triple Split, Quadruple Split

Do you have Single Definition, Split Definition, Triple-Split or Quadruple Split definition in your chart? If you aren’t sure what you are, my chart calculator will tell you exactly what type of definition you have.

Let’s take a look at how your Human Design definition will affect your life!


Definition describes how our defined centers/activated channels are connected and configured.

Here are the possible Definitions and what they look like in your chart:

  • No definition - this is what a Reflector has since they have no defined centers! - 1% of the population

  • Single definition: all defined centers and channels are connected, like one circuit - 41% of the population

  • Split definition (also known as simple split): two separate circuits of defined centers that are not connected - 46% of the population

    • There are two subcategories to Split Definition - small and large. A small split is a split of just one “missing” gate. A large split is a full channel or more that would need to be defined in order to connect the circuit board of defined centers.

  • Triple-split definition: three separate circuits that are not connected - 11% of the population

  • Quadruple split: four separate defined areas - 1% of the population

    Here is an example of each type of Definition. I’ve circled the groups of defined centers that are separate from each other:


Our Definition refers to the connection and configuration of our defined centers and channels. It influences our interactions with others and the coherence of our connection to ourselves.

When you possess split, triple-split, or quadruple-split definition, your defined centers naturally seek connection with other defined centers. Your aura may be drawn to individuals who possess the gates and channels you “lack,” “bridging” your splits or connecting all your defined centers.

You don’t have to worry about actively searching for people to bridge your splits—most of these connections occur organically as you navigate through life and your aura will guide you towards those individuals. There is no need to consciously obsess or seek people who bridge your splits—you can rely on the innate intelligence of your aura to guide you toward precisely what you require.


Single Definition

People with Single Definition process information quickly. All of their defined centers are connected and talking to each other 24/7. Being emotionally defined can slow this process a little since they will need to wait through the emotional wave. But they will still process things quicker than most people.

They are self-contained, meaning that they aren’t energetically seeking someone to bridge the disconnections in their chart.

If you have Single definition, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have fulfilling relationships, partnerships, and collaborations—it just means that you may not have an intrinsic need to have people around to feel whole. Many people with Single definition describe marriage, partnership, living with someone, or monogamy as something that they choose, rather than need. After all, energetically they are cohesive and don’t require someone else to help them process!

Split Definition

People with Split Definition often do best processing information/energy with another person through a conversation or just by having the other person in their presence. As a Split Definition, I can confirm that sometimes I need to talk something out or come together with someone to get something done (mostly because my large split is around my Throat).

I can also usually find someone to bridge my split by sitting in a coffee shop or a room of strangers. Because my split is in my Throat, if I feel like my expression is blocked, I’ll get out of the house and spend some time around other people. Then, suddenly I’m able to write or create what I need to.

Triple-Split Definition

Because Triple-Split people have multiple places where their circuits need “bridging,” it’s good for them to be around more than one aura. Otherwise, they can feel scattered and impatient. While a Triple-Split may be able to find someone to bridge one of their splits, it’s not going to feel good to be bridged by the same person all the time. So, it’s good for them to be around multiple people to find the right energies to fit with their undefined gates and channels.

Quadruple-Split Definition

Those with Quadruple-Split Definition need a lot of time and freedom to process information since their defined centers are so separate from each other. They also have either 8 or 9 centers defined, which means that they aren’t taking in a lot of energy from the outside world. Instead, they are waiting patiently for the energy to filter its way through the BodyGraph so that they can reach a conclusion.

If you liked this post on Definition, you’d love my new book, A Modern Guide to Human Design.


When you understand your Definition, you can be more patient and understanding when you feel blocked, unclear, slow, or when you feel like there are competing “voices” in your body. By following the guidance for your Definition, you can set yourself up to succeed as your unique self.



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