Pure Generators

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Is it a Generator/MG Sacral Response, or is it Fear, Anxiety, and Pressure?

Today once of my favorite things happened—someone reached out with a great question!

To be honest, this happens frequently for me because, like most of you, I have an open, magnetic aura that naturally attracts things to respond to.

I still celebrate because I love receiving questions and am forever in awe of our incredible auras.


 Here is the question:


"I purchased your 50 examples of "waiting to respond" file.

Thank you so much for it. I hugely appreciate covering examples from so many aspects of life. 

I realised I have one theme for each and every example I related to.

How do I know if it's a sacral response OR my mind nudging me from a space of lack, neediness or victimhood (oh, I wish I can have that, etc.)?"

This is such a good question and something most of us deal with at some point.

Here's my advice to anyone who is grappling with something similar:


1. If you're doubting your response, sit with it for a second. 

How does it feel in your body? You might have to take a few minutes to find a quiet place, take a few deep breaths, and tap into the sensations you're experiencing. 

Do you feel animated? Excited? Expanded?

Do you immediately want to move and get into action?

Do you feel deflated, drained, or blocked?

What was your first physical feeling about what you had just encountered?

Let your thoughts and awareness about the decision take a back seat for a second and concentrate on the sensations in your body.

You might need to do this a few times as you learn to sort out thoughts from Sacral responses.

Your mind can create a lot of stories and emotions around decisions, but at the end of the day, your body is designed to indicate whether something is a "yes" or "no" for you, at least initially.

If you have Emotional Authority, you will go on to gain some awareness before making a decision.

However, you will still feel an initial "yes" or "no" from your gut.


2. Consider the concept of lack or neediness that you're concerned about.

Is what you fear could be a negative thing actually a negative, or is it merely a desire?  

Many of us have been taught that it's not safe or healthy to acknowledge our desires.

Usually, this fear stems from early experiences in our lives. 

In reality, desire is neutral for Generators and MGs. Because our Sacral Center is defined, we have consistent access to our desires! 

Our desires indicate to us what we are meant to experience (and not experience).

Can you think of any negative conditioning you may have received around having desires? 

You might be able to remember some examples of being shamed or admonished for having desires.

Are you afraid to desire something because you fear you won't be able to make it happen?

Are you willing to try to live differently and honor your desires as indicators of the most satisfying and energizing opportunities for you? 

You don't have to commit to living this way forever—try it out and see what happens!


3. Taking care of our bodies and mental health is the foundation for honoring our Inner Authority.

Human Design exists higher up on the hierarchy of needs, and trying to live your Design when you're not feeling safe or healthy can be very stressful.

You can also start by looking at these concepts of lack, neediness, and victimhood in therapy or self-reflection first and try to do some healing in these areas before worrying about honoring your Inner Authority!

I personally did years of intensive therapy and healing before I even encountered Human Design or tried to prioritize living an energizing, satisfying life.

For a long time, just focusing on achieving financial security, securing my safety, doing emotional healing, unraveling trauma, and developing positive relationships was more than enough!

It will come! Don't rush yourself!

If you’d like to read some real-life examples of how you can wait to respond (and use your Emotional Authority if you have it), you can check out the guide here.

See this gallery in the original post