Pure Generators

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Manifestation in Your Chart - Specific or General?

By looking at the bottom right Variable arrow in your Human Design chart, we can determine whether we are a specific or general manifestor.

If you’d like to learn more about Generators and Manifestation, check out this entry!

The arrow we are looking for is highlighted in pink. It will point either right, or left.


If your bottom-right arrow points to the left, you are designed to be as specific as possible when calling something new into your life. You are designed to know exactly what you want, and it’s important to know that you deserve it! Drilling down into the details of exactly what you’re looking is healthy for you and will help the universe bring you what you are looking for.

If you are not specific enough in your desires and owning those, what comes to you won’t be quite what you’re looking for and you’ll ultimately be disappointed, end up settling for the wrong thing, or reject everything that is coming to you.

Be extra mindful if: you have a history of settling for things, you hold a belief that you are more likely to receive something if you’re not picky about it, that there isn’t enough to go around so you should take what you can get, or if you don’t feel deserving of receiving what you actually desires. Make sure that these beliefs aren’t stopping you from being as specific as possible when you manifest!

For instance, if you were manifesting an apartment to rent, you might make a list that has details like this;

  • $1200/month

  • 600 sq. ft.

  • 1 bedroom

  • In the [insert name] neighborhood

  • 2nd floor

  • 1920’s building

  • Updated appliances

  • Allows cats

  • Hardwood floors

  • Reserved street parking

  • Large windows

  • Building with locked gate

© Pure Generators. This image cannot be used without permission.


If your bottom-right arrow points to the right, you are designed to approach manifestation from a place of having a more general idea of what you want, and letting the universe fill in the rest. You can live from a place of believing that the universe may bring you something even better than what you’ve imagined.

You still need to be connected to your desires, however you are designed to focus less on the details and more on the general idea behind what you are calling in.

If you were looking for an apartment as a non-specific manifestor, you might include these requirements for your manifestation as you were becoming clear on your desires:

  • Between $1000 and $1200/month

  • Within 20 minutes walking distance of work

  • Roomy and spacious

  • Separate sleeping area

  • Lots of natural light

  • Clean, pleasing interior

  • Allows cats

  • Parking available at no extra cost

  • Safe and comfortable building

As you can see, these are more general guidelines for what you’re looking for, and they concentrate more on qualities that aren’t quite so tangible, like feeling safe, roomy/spacious, and a less specific requirement for the location. When you are a non-specific manifestor, you are looking for the underlying feelings and experience that you are hoping to have with what you are bringing into your life.

It also doesn’t mean that you can’t have some specific dealbreakers (like allows cats).

For you, be mindful of whether or not you trust the universe to deliver


Remember, all of Human Design is an experiment! Try this out and see if manifesting this way feels powerful for you. Likely, you’ve had a hunch your whole life about whether you were the most effective by being detailed or general, and this probably confirms that!



Make sure to keep in touch!