Pure Generators

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The Right Angle Cross of the Vessel of Love - Human Design Incarnation Cross

Prior to discovering Human Design, life took me on an unexpected journey into the nature of love.

Through meeting my twin flame, I felt and investigated the deepest roots of loss, pain (I was shown the depth of possible pain was synonymous with the depths of love), self-love, acceptance of what is, love of the universe, love of the human experience, love of everyone around me, love as a force (like gravity). I began to understand that while the loving parts of myself required sensitivity and vulnerability, they were also iron-strong. 

Where I had previously viewed love as a feeling between two people, I now had a much more expansive experience of what it meant to truly love. To love was to live in love, which I came to view as complete awareness and acceptance of the present. I opened my heart to love and allowed it to be my guide. 

Ever since, this relationship with love has been an important part of my life and my path. I know that it’s very important for me to hold that energy—life flows better when I do.

When I saw that my incarnation cross was the Vessel of Love, I was not surprised, but I wasn’t exactly sure how the Incarnation Cross factored in to the rest of the bodygraph's mechanics.

So, how do we work with our incarnation crosses? 

What is an Incarnation Cross?

Our Incarnation Cross is derived from the positions of the Sun and Earth in both columns (Mind and Body) of the Human Design chart: 

Our incarnation cross is not a destiny, destination, or something that automatically happens to us…instead, it is an energy that we shift into through dedication to following our strategy and authority. 

As we shift into this energy, we awaken and our expression as our true self unfolds.

The Vessel of Love 3

I am conscious Sun 46, which is the Vessel of Love 3 (there are four variations). Because there are multiple variations to each Incarnation Cross, I’ve also written about how to find your correct variation.

The Vessel of Love 3 is all about true embodiment - the love of life for life itself, living in the present, enjoying the experience, being alive in the body.

I have to admit - when I first read that, it did ring true while simultaneously frustrating me deeply. I thought - the body? I’m not a super physical person, I don’t have a love of exercise or yoga or view myself as being expressly…sensual?

However, I gave myself some space and time to contemplate. I had this conditioned idea of sensuality and what it means to love your body. What did the love of the body mean to ME? 

I have come to see that for me, being embodied means living in the present, being deeply connected to my body as a sensitive receptor and my tool for guidance on the Earth plane. Sometimes that means resting, sometimes it means lifting weights, sometimes it means walking, sometimes it means taking a bath.

I am present and open with what I feel - each emotion, each scalp tingle, intuitive whisper, expansion or contraction in my gut, tense muscle - and I honor it. This is sensuality - being connected to the senses. I care for myself, make decisions, and move through the world by paying attention to how my body is responding to what I am doing. When this is my focus, I am experiencing life in every moment and there is a natural satisfaction and flow. I don’t need to worry about the future. Every moment is a miracle.

Embodying this energy in all the current distortion on Earth isn’t always easy. There are a lot of people out there with a lot of wounds, and when I bring this pure energy into their field, sometimes they react violently. I’ve had challenging experiences with violence, being taken advantage of, and scapegoated. However, something about naturally embodying this energy makes me stronger - I know there is something larger that is always protecting me and that I’m always in the right place at the right time. The people who truly understand love also understand its strength, its ability to create massive shifts and purge darkness, and the wizard-like training and sensibilities it requires to learn to transmute and alchemize everything we encounter into love! 

See this gallery in the original post

Living Your Incarnation Cross

So, how do we live our Incarnation Cross? 

I love how Ra Uru Hu explains this:

“Our Incarnation Cross isn’t something that automatically emerges as we go through our deconditioning process, nor does it provide instant gratification...when we function as our differentiated self in the world, our cross literally but quite naturally takes over our life...we don’t awaken to our cross, we awaken in it.”

— The Definitive Book of Human Design

The meaning behind our Cross isn’t always apparent right away. Contemplate it and give it some time to sink in. Experiment with how you might shift into its energy.

I can’t think my way into my incarnation cross. It’s something I have to feel my way into. It serves as a useful reminder that I can always shift into the present and pay attention to my body and its wisdom. 

The Right Angle Cross of the Vessel of Love 1-4

For all the Vessel of Loves: 

Your path incorporates all of the aspects of love - the love of self, love of the other, love of the body, and love of life itself. You are a conduit for loving energy. You affect people; they feel it when you come across their path, even if they don’t know why. In your presence, people open and soften. If you experienced challenges as a child, you may have shut off this flow of love. By healing your childhood wounds, you can regain that trust and flow. 

Conscious Sun in Gate 25 - The Vessel of Love (1)

Cosmic, universal love that lifts us out of our animalistic, human drive to survive. The energy of the Vessel of Love 1 reminds people that they are connected to something larger than their often-limited perception of their ego-driven life on Earth. You remind them of what true love is - transcendental.

Having an open, loving heart can leave you susceptible to heartbreak. It’s natural - you’re sensitive. Don’t let these experiences harden you, and know that there are lots of other people who support you. If you’re feeling challenged, you can always seek solace in nature. Remember - you’re here to show people what true love is. Don’t take their reactions personally. By being yourself as a conduit of love, you are providing a huge service.

Conscious Sun in Gate 15 - The Vessel of Love (2)

Humanitarian love that believes we all have our unique place. The Vessel of Love 2 has an energy that naturally flows with the rhythm of life and unites others with the rhythm of life. By recognizing that we are all necessary and we all bring a unique piece of the larger puzzle, you champion the growth and movement of humanity as we create a better world. 

If you experienced challenges as a child, you may have shut off this flow of love. By healing your childhood wounds, you can regain that trust and flow. 

Conscious Sun in Gate 46 - The Vessel of Love (3)

Being at the right place at the right time, guided and supported by the physical vessel. The Vessel of Love 3 is love ‘embodied.’ You aren’t connecting to something that is somewhere else - you are drawing it down into your physicality and living it. You are present, excited about life, and ready for anything. You bring this love with you as you move through the world, delighting in the sensual experiences of the physical world.

Conscious Sun in Gate 10 - The Vessel of Love (4)

Love of self! The Vessel of Love 4 is all about modeling self-love and empowerment for those around you as you move through challenges and growth. By loving your life, you bring love into the lives of everyone around you. Self-love is a process that means shining light on all of your dark places and loving them anyway. While it feels personal, this process is a gift to all of humanity.

Are you a Vessel of Love? Do you have any in your life? 



Make sure to keep in touch!