Pure Generators

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North Nodes Part II: What if parts of my Human Design conflict with my North Node?

There were lots of questions after my posts yesterday about North Nodes and particularly the parts of them that feel like they conflict with other aspects of our natal chart or our Human Design. 

After doing 100+ Cosmic Encoding readings looking at North Nodes and numerology life path #’s, I’ve seen some of these things come up!

It can seem like our North Node isn’t in harmony with our Human Design but I feel they can coexist beautifully if we remember what each one is pointing us towards.


The first thing to remember is that neither the North Node nor Human Design is a personality test. Our personalities are involved in both, but they don’t tell the whole story. 

The North Node is pointing us to a soul-level desire and direction. That’s the keyword: direction. This is an overarching larger vision for what we are here to learn in our life if we are willing to go beyond the mundane.

Our Human Design touches on our personality but that’s only half of our chart. It also touches on our North Node and our soul’s path in some aspects but the main point of Human Design, particularly our Type, Strategy, and Authority, has very little to do with our personality and everything to do with the mechanics of how we move through the world. You could have a group of people with similar personalities who all have different Types. You can also have people who are all the same Type with very different personalities.

For instance, as an Aries North Node, I’m here to strengthen my skills as someone who makes bold choices, goes after what I want, and becomes comfortable with confrontation. So…why would that be my path as a Generator with no direct connections to my throat (aka no consistent manifestation ability) and a completely open solar plexus (aka hates confrontation)? 

In a weird way, it works. My soul’s desire is to expand those Aries traits, and so I’m doing that but in a Generator way. I wait to respond before I make my bold moves. It is natural for me to learn confrontation through my completely open Solar Plexus, and I’ve gone after my dream of being autonomous in business as an entrepreneur (a very Aries trait) in my Generator way - by flowing with my energy, going at my own pace, and doing what truly makes me feel energized. 

Our Human Design touches on the what but mostly it’s pointing us toward the how. And with our Human Design as our optimal way of moving through the world, we can get anywhere!

If you have some questions about your specific design, I recommend getting a Cosmic Encoding Reading for $149.

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