The Hierarchy of Conditioning in Your Undefined Centers
When we learn about our Human Design, beginning to recognize when the “not-self” is speaking to us through our undefined centers is life-changing!
(If you’d like a refresher on the undefined centers, I’ve previously covered reminders for your undefined centers and how the not-self speaks through the undefined centers. )
Have you also noticed that some not-self voices seem to speak louder than others? That you seem to hear the same "voice” trying to get you to behave in a way that isn’t in alignment with your design because of fear or a feeling of external pressure?
That’s because there is a hierarchy among the undefined centers. Some centers allow for stronger and more convincing messages from the mind, attempting to rob us of our unique expression and weigh us down with shoulds and negative thoughts.
Here is the hierarchy of our centers and which ones, when undefined, can interfere the most with our ability to allow our innate energy flow to guide the way:
The Heart
The Solar Plexus
The G Center/Identity Center
The Spleen
The Ajna
The Head
The Root
The Sacral
The Throat
The mind is no one’s decision-maker; our bodies are. In places where we are undefined (a.k.a. not emitting energy, but receiving it), we have a wide range of experiences, depending on the energy we are taking in from the people around us (and the planetary transits).
Having an undefined center means we are observing energy in that center, experiencing it, gaining wisdom through our experiences, and - most importantly - not expecting to have that energy all the time.
Our undefined centers act as openings for the mind to come to conclusions about how it thinks we should operate, and the mind always prioritizes logic and predictability.
All of this leads to the mind trying to take over and tell us what it thinks we should do.
Do you have certain thoughts that repeat over and over, trying to hijack you from honoring your inner authority? I know I do. During times of stress, when I do new things, or when I spend time around certain people, I find myself thinking things that go against my natural energy flow.
When we’re noticing these thoughts, it’s helpful to know where they come from and why we might be having them. When we understand the origin of a not-self thought that seems to be taking us off track, we can disarm its power over us and drop back into our body and its wisdom.
Take a look at the list of the hierarchy of centers. Which ones do you have undefined? Which are closest to the top of the list? These are the ones to be aware of when you’re feeling drained, blocked, tired, stressed, or pressured.
I have a completely open Heart, a completely open Solar Plexus, and an undefined throat. So, I can trace my not-self thoughts to those centers. Because the undefined Heart and Solar Plexus are the two most influential centers, most of my not-self thoughts will flow through those, but I even find some that come through my Throat!
So, it’s not like the centers lower on the list don’t affect us (they all do) but they may be slightly less influential than others.
Hopefully, by being aware of the not-self voices that come through your undefined centers, you can return to your inner guidance and built-in decision-making capabilities faster. The not-self is a part of life, but the more awareness we have, the less power it has over us!
Source: Rave Psychology: Conditioning and the Not-Self, lecture by Ra Uru Hu
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