What Do Generators and MGs Do While We Are Waiting to Respond?
Recently, I received a common Generator and MG question:
What do we do while we are between responses or waiting to respond?
Excellent question! As Sacral Beings, a.k.a. Generators or Manifesting Generators, learning that we have to wait to take action can feel disheartening. However, when we begin to shift our mindset and view our Strategy as a protective mechanism here to serve us as opposed to a limitation meant to hold us back, we begin to experience magic in our lives.
So, let’s talk about waiting to respond and how to thrive using this Strategy.
The concept of “waiting to respond” can be one of the hardest things for Generators and MGs to understand and implement. How do you know when you’re responding? How do you know when you’re giving into a “should?” How do you know whether you should take action on something or not?
First, it helps to understand what a response is not. A response is not an idea, a goal, something you want to do to please other people, or something that originated from your mind. A response comes spontaneously through your body, letting you know (in your unique way!) if you have the energy for something. You’ll feel alive, excited, animated, and invigorated when you have a “yes” response to something. You’ll feel drained, deflated, or ambivalent if your response is a “no.” As a Generator or MG, you only have energy for what you are meant to do. Your purpose is created through a series of responses to the outside world.
Because your aura is so expansive and inviting, you don’t need to chase down anything or force it into existence. In fact, you shouldn’t. You are designed to live in the present. You thrive when you wait until something crosses your path, feel a physical response that attracts and propels you forward, and move in that direction. Things you chase or force typically won’t work out because it’s just not how your aura functions. You’ll feel deeply frustrated if you’re trying too hard to make something happen without following an organic response. Thankfully, your aura is working on your behalf and will magnetize things to you. You can trust that life is coming to you and what you need to do is first, to know yourself well enough to recognize whether you’re energized or drained, and second, to cultivate a solid connection to your inner “yes” and “no” mechanisms.
Generators and Manifesting Generators:
Learn HD, reprogram your mind, make your desires reality
Something to remember is that when we’re waiting to respond to something, it’s typically just in one area of our lives. Rarely are we starting over with a completely blank slate in every aspect, sitting in a proverbial naked bare room with white walls and no windows (a.k.a. with nothing to respond to!). Even if this happened, we would begin to reconstruct our lives from breath to breath, response to response. Because we have open auras, we will always be magnetizing things.
Often our minds get locked into what we are interested in manifesting while we wait for a response and forget to look around us; what we are waiting for is only part of our lives, and there are a lot of other things going on.
Simply put…what we do while we are waiting to respond is we live. We find other things to do and focus on. Waiting to respond doesn’t have to mean falling into frustration if we go with the flow. When there is a waiting period in one area of my life, I typically notice that I already have a lot of things happening in other areas of my life and can shift my focus and dedicate my energy and attention elsewhere. When I’m waiting to respond to something in my work life, I’ll usually see that I’ve got energy flowing with a creative project, some recipes I want to try out, or I’m just beginning to master a new weightlifting routine. If I keep focusing on the work project, I’ll end up frustrated. However, if I shift my focus to other areas, I begin to experience a flow, a surge of energy, and quite simply - I’m present and enjoying my life (which is really the goal of all of this, anyway).
Our Strategy of waiting to respond is here to help us! The sooner we accept our unique way of moving through the world, the sooner we can reap the benefits. We are waiting to respond not because we can’t make things happen but because we deserve to pursue only the things that energize, satisfy, and excite us.
Even if we’re waiting to respond to something as central to our survival as a job, it doesn’t mean we are waiting around. We are surveying our options, seeing what our bodies feel energized by, and even taking on something short-term to pay the bills if we feel unclear about what we desire in the long run. Sometimes the best thing to do is make a move - you’ll either discover that it leaves you frustrated (which will help you see that it’s worth it to wait), or it will get the momentum going and find more things to respond to.
If you’re feeling anxious while you’re waiting to respond, it helps to have some tools and practices at your disposal to soothe your mind.
Do you like to meditate? Breathe? Write in your journal? Keep a list of reminders during anxious moments? Go for a walk? Listen to music? Work out or move your body? Go somewhere that lifts your mood?
My favorite tools and practices are: energy healing audios from the Healing Mind™ App, getting out of the house into my Wet Kitchens environment, using my oracle cards to tap into what’s happening for me on a soul level, and spending some time with a creative outlet like weaving or playing Nintendo.