Pure Generators

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How Moving from Wanting Something To Believing It’s Already Ours Helps Generators and MGs Create Our Desired Reality

As Generators and MGs, when we start something new, finally go after a big dream, or even try to bring some additional satisfaction into our lives, it can feel shaky. We can start to doubt that what we're working towards or want to create or achieve is feasible.

This makes sense—as natural builders, we are designed to do. And when we need some rest or have wait for the next response, it can be challenging for our minds. We might not see results right away, so we can start to think negatively, creating stories or beliefs that may not actually be true.

I have spent the past 5+ years experimenting with how we can live in alignment with our Generator/MG aura, a.k.a. experiencing joy and satisfaction, spending our lives doing what we love, and still seeing the results and material success that we desire. During these experiments, I've found that one of the key ingredients in making our desires reality is thinking about what we want in a specific way. You could also call this subconscious reprogramming.

When Generators and MGs feel a sacral desire and focus too much on what we want, we can get stuck in that ~wanting~ stage and never quite see it materialize. However, if we think about what we're building as something we already are and already have, then it becomes much faster and easier.

That thing you want? You could pull closer to you today by understanding that you already are that person who has that thing. It's already yours. It's just a fact. It's just how it is.

At the same time, this distinction can be hard to grasp, especially when you first start reprogramming your subconscious. When I began, I wondered how a person could possibly believe in something that wasn't right in front of them. How could I believe I already had something if I had 0 proof that this was possible for me? Don't we need to see proof to believe? What is belief anyway?

After years of experimenting with subconscious reprogramming, I finally came to understand that we don't have to believe that something is true to reprogram our subconscious. At least not at first—that comes later. After all, forcing ourselves to believe something before we're ready leads to frustration and overthinking.

Instead, we can start to think about a reality we want to see in our minds. Something like, "I am satisfied every day by my work." We don't have to feel it deep down or look for proof. We just have to think it—literally letting the words roll around in our minds.

Here's a great example that was shared with me by a community member:

"I see a travel advisor online, and I am so expanded/lit up/in awe of her life -- the travel she gets to do and the experiences she has. I want it. I want it so much that I've actually worked for this person and tried to be a travel advisor on my own! But I can't seem to be what they are or have what they have."

In this case, since the desire is so specific, it might be difficult to conceptualize what it means to be a travel advisor without breaking it down a bit.

I would advise this person to figure out the following:

  • What (specifically) about her daily life looks energizing and satisfying to me?

  • What traits or qualities does she possess that I would like to have or grow?

  • If I had her job, how would I like to feel every day?


Then, use the answer to those questions to begin creating some thoughts you can repeat. Something like:

  • I always have new opportunities to travel

  • I am the type of person who is successful at everything I do

  • I'm always able to achieve my desires 

  • I am organized, professional, successful, and adventurous

(It does not have to be these exact ones—whichever ones resonate for her!)

Over time, these thoughts will reveal new opportunities that she wouldn't have seen otherwise. She'll begin to see herself differently because her mind will start looking for evidence of these things being true. Before she knows it, she'll either be a travel advisor or find herself in another position that allows her to experience everything she desired.

So yeah...you don't have to see to believe, you just have to think a sentence consistently and see what unfolds!

You can also join us in the Glow-Up for Generators and MGs. This is my signature program to help you align with your aura, reprogram your mind, and make your desires reality.

If you’re a Generator or MG and want a simple way to begin your subconscious, you can start with the 21-Day Subconscious Paradigm Shift. You’ll receive daily prompts to make your subconscious reprogramming journey easy.