Human Design Expert
Author 📚 Human Design Expert ✨ Creator 👽
Question about anything?

I am a:
1/3 Sacral Generator
Vessel of Love 3 Incarnation Cross
Virgo Sun, Virgo Moon, Scorpio Rising
Aries North Node
37/10 Life Path
I value originality, maturity, healthy independence, and excellence.
I am a Human Design expert and author of A Modern Guide to Human Design.
I started the Pure Generators blog after experiencing burnout in my career and deciding to move in a different direction. As soon as I stumbled onto Human Design, a lot of the answers to questions I had for years about how to use my energy fell into place.
Since then, this project has expanded into a business where I get to share my perspective on how understanding our unique energy signature is the secret to thriving in the Age of Aquarius!
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