Rachel Lieberman Rachel Lieberman

How are the 1st, 3rd, and 5th line Profiles in Human Design designed to make friends?

I’ve come to a realization for those of us with 1st, 3rd, and 5th-line Profiles (1/3, 2/5, 3/5, 5/1, 5/2, 6/3, 3/6), and 6/2s report the same thing!

We likely do not find friends or feel particularly comfortable socializing for socializing's sake.

Things like rolling up to a party or social gathering where the point is to eat, hang out, and talk may not be where we make the best connections, and our auras may not feel the most comfortable in this type of setting.

Why? And how is this different from 4th lines?

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Rachel Lieberman Rachel Lieberman

Generators and MGs, upgrade your self-concept with me!

Let’s start with a simple truth: the beliefs we hold about ourselves shape our reality. Misaligned or limiting beliefs can dull the natural magnetism of our Generator/MG auras. When our thoughts clash with what energizes and excites us, we resist the flow of life—the very thing that makes G/MGs so radiant. But the good news? We can shift our mindset, starting today, to align with our design and unlock a the full power of our magnetism.

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Rachel Lieberman Rachel Lieberman

Do we owe other people nothing? What does your Human Design Profile tell you about what you owe the world?

I've heard a lot of discourse online lately about the new-ish therapy adage that we "don't owe anyone anything."

I was seeing that some people stood by this, while others were pushing back on the idea, saying that in order to thrive as a society, we have certain social contracts we must uphold, lest we descend into a cold, hyper-individualist civilization of weak social bonds, erosion of community, and lack of empathy and cooperation.

Honestly, I could see both sides, mostly because I was pretty sure there was some misunderstandings of what it means to "owe" people something.

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Rachel Lieberman Rachel Lieberman

VLOG: Reprogramming My Subconscious & Running My Business as a Generator

As someone who loves to watch vlogs of people living their lives and creating things, I have dreamt of content by people living their Human Design and showing how their auras actually move through the world!

In this video, I show a week of using subconscious reprogramming to keep my mind aligned with my sacral desires, instead of trying to control what I'm doing and invent negative scenarios in my mind!

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Rachel Lieberman Rachel Lieberman

How Moving from Wanting Something To Believing It’s Already Ours Helps Generators and MGs Create Our Desired Reality

I have spent the past 5+ years experimenting with how we can live in alignment with our Generator/MG aura, a.k.a. experiencing joy and satisfaction, spending our lives doing what we love, and still seeing the results and material success that we desire. During these experiments, I've found that one of the key ingredients in making our desires reality is thinking about what we want in a specific way. You could also call this subconscious reprogramming.

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Rachel Lieberman Rachel Lieberman

Are You a Frustrated Generator or Manifesting Generator? Here’s How to Know If You’re Experiencing Frustration…

For Generators and MGs, frustration shows up when we are not aligned. While it can sometimes feel like a punishment, it is actually a gift that tells us we could be doing things in a different way. An easier way. A more flowing way. A more satisfying way. And it's not necessarily an indicator that we've been doing things wrong, either. Often, it's just time to grow, expand, or level up and what you've been doing won't work anymore.

So, how do we know that we're experiencing frustration?

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Rachel Lieberman Rachel Lieberman

Human Design Incarnation Cross | The Left Angle Cross of Healing (25/46 | 58/52)

hen you have the Incarnation Cross of Healing, you can embody your cross’s energy by:

1. Healing yourself and maintaining your physical and emotional health.

2. Holding a loving, harmonious space for the healing of those around you.

When you’re living in the energy of your Cross of Healing, your mere presence is both a catalyst and a balm to the people around you. You may also find that you are more attuned to imbalances in other people than the average person—you can see illness and feel the impetus to resolve it.

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Rachel Lieberman Rachel Lieberman

The Human Design 4/6 Profile

As a 4/6, you are here to embody the lessons and experiences you’ve learned and shine as a beacon of authenticity for your community and connections.

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Rachel Lieberman Rachel Lieberman

Generators and MGs: Are You Doing Too Much or Too Little?

Sometimes, Generators and MGs are drained and unsatisfied because we are doing *too much* and don't have enough time for what brings us joy and energizes us.

But sometimes we aren't satisfied at bedtime because we didn't engage in *enough* activities during the day. Often, adding in new energizing responsibilities and fun physical movement can lead to much more satisfaction, and we can still find time for everything.

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Rachel Lieberman Rachel Lieberman

Demystifying Subconscious Reprogramming for Generators and Manifesting Generators

When I first heard about subconscious reprogramming, it felt like everyone who knew how to do it was keeping the actual how shrouded in secrecy.

Was this some magical wizardry that could only be facilitated by another person?

Was it something that had to happen through deep meditation, healing and “unblocking,” mind-bending hypnosis, or the constant obsessive chanting of affirmations?

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Rachel Lieberman Rachel Lieberman

The Wounds of the 1st Line Profile (and How to Overcome Them)

As 1-line, we naturally crave security! This is what drives our curiosity and truth-seeking nature! However, this can be challenging on Earth because this is a chaotic place. There is a lot of entropy, constant unpredictable shifts, and never-ending metamorphosis. So, what’s a 1st line to do?

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