Fear, and How It Blocks a Generator or Manifesting Generator's Purpose

More so than any other Type, Generators and MG’s have to develop an intimate, strong bond with fear if we are going to find what we most want on Earth - meaningful work, a sense of purpose, and satisfaction. 

Reasons to not pursue those things, or beliefs that we can’t, abound. There is so much fear around the material world and the ability to support ourselves that we’ve all been conditioned to believe that to be successful we have to compromise key parts of who we are. Generators and MG’s truly have become slaves. We become slaves when we sacrifice our health, our natural rhythms, our interests, our passions, our time with the people we care about in pursuit of a stable, prosperous life that makes sense in our minds. 

This is a very difficult construction to break out of. If we look at it more deeply, all of this conditioning has come from fears created in the mind and its inability to handle uncertainty. For instance - if we don’t know exactly where our paycheck is coming from in advance, no money can come in. Or - if we don’t know where we want to be in a year, we will make no changes and we will be stuck in one spot. In reality, knowing these things in our mind don’t shift or stop the flow of the universe. However, fear can block our universal flow and cause a lot of unnecessary pain and anxiety.


The Sacral knows something key that we have forgotten. It makes all its decisions based on whether it has energy flowing for that work/activity or not. It does this because it knows that for us, energy is everything, life force is everything, and if you are following your life force, you will find abundance, ease, opportunity, and satisfaction.

Because we have been conditioned to make decisions with our minds, switching this decision-making power down to the Sacral will result in the mind going crazy, trying to regain control. However, for a Generator or MG, this is the most life-affirming thing we can do for ourselves. Because we create life from the Sacral, we are literally giving life to our true selves when we give decision-making power back to the Sacral. The Sacral is lit up by the potential for creation. 


As Generators and MG’s, we have to befriend our minds. When it tries to jump in and make a decision, we have to have a strategy for talking it off its ledge and returning the decision-making power to the Sacral. Then, we can rewrite the script that plays when we do something that’s outside of our comfort zone. None of these limiting beliefs in our culture are true. 

We have been conditioned to believe that life is chaotic, uncertain, and random, and therefore we must control it. 

However, there is another way to view this. We could think about it positively - life is uncertain! I never know what it is bringing me, which means that the possibilities are endless! I can’t predict what amazing things I might experience in the next year, or who I will meet. I would never want to block myself from the infinite abundance that is out there by grasping too hard for one thing!


In the early stages of the deconditioning process, true, life-giving decisions based on Sacral response will coexist with fear. That is ok. Here is how to handle it:

STAGE 1:  

Something appears in our reality and we respond. For example: 

  • We’ve worked hard on our self-love and outgrown someone, and we know we have to let go of a relationship 

  • We feel ready to start the business we’ve dreamed of, and the opportunity to do it finally arrives

  • We’ve finished a creative project and know it’s time to release it out in the world (after all - people are asking for it)

  •  We see how burnt out and depleted we are, and we know it’s time to quit our job and move on to something more fulfilling

The decision comes from deep down inside. It’s clear. It’s time. If you have Emotional Authority, you have also given yourself time to come to a place of emotional clarity. 


Finally, we take the first step. There is an immense relief. Nothing feels better for a Generator/MG than acting on a deep decision made by the Sacral, especially if it’s something we’ve been wanting for a long time. Feelings of elation, freedom, and confidence follow. 


Then, a wave of fear. This might be mild, or it might be debilitating, stay-in-bed-all-day, cry for hours/days, curl-up-in-a-ball FEAR. The trick is not to let this stop you. This is normal. This is sacred. This is part of breaking out of your conditioning. The key is to stay with it. Don’t move, don’t run. Sit still, take many deep breaths. Write in your journal. When facing uncomfortable emotions, I find it useful to write down a list of “feelings that are hard to face right now.” Writing it down and getting it out of you takes away its power. Every moment that you spend with it - feeling it, breathing through it, and accepting it - dissolves it a little more. Truth is permanent, fear is temporary. If you sit with fear long enough, Truth will come back. The important part is to take the time that you can to be present with yourself, and feel how it manifests in your body (muscle tightness? headache?). If you purposefully distract yourself, you won’t make progress. Try not to think too hard about it, or act on it, and instead just feel it.


You have dissolved your fear to a place where you know you can move forward. You take the step towards deeper authenticity. Remnants of fear still arise. It’s ok. You deal with them as they come up. Once you make it through one fear wave, the subsequent ones become much easier to handle. It can become a ritual - a rite of passage for making big decisions and expanding your life. 

Generators and MG's are here to be deeply connected, trusting, flowing, and open. We are here to let the energy of life work through us, in exactly the unique way we were designed to express it. Our path is a challenging one in this day and age because it is counter to our mentally-charged society. However, the more Generators/MG's that wake up to their truth, the more this will shift. We are 70% of the population! Our deconditioning requires us to become masters of fear, so that we can shift our decision-making power down to our Sacral response and Authority and access the universal flow of energy, abundance, and satisfaction that is our birthright!




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