Generator and Manifesting Generator Manifestation Basics
The Oxford English Dictionary defines Manifestation as “An event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something abstract or theoretical.” At its core, the concept is about taking something that is immaterial or lives inside of us as an idea, a vision, a dream, a feeling, a desire, and making it concrete, material, visible to the human eye. So, how would a Generator or MG go about making their visions and dreams a reality?
In Human Design, “Manifestor” is a Type that makes up only 8% of the population. In our current capitalist culture here in the U.S. (and in much of the Western world), we prize individualism and a “just do it” mentality. Manifestors, or people acting as Manifestors, become the most visible symbols of success. Our culture thinks it’s simple - get the idea, and make it happen through a mental plan, linear action, and hard work. Manifestation!
Manifestors do have an easier time initiating and going straight for the thing they are creating without draining their energy. It’s how their aura works, and that way of living comes with its own challenges, as does each Type. It’s common to feel jealous of someone with that manifestation power, especially if you are someone who has struggled to take action in a linear way and make things happen for yourself in your life. However, despite their name, Manifestors are not the only people who can manifest things.
We are all manifesting all the time. As Generators and MG’s, if we are in touch with ourselves, our desires, our inner guidance, and our purpose in the world, we are manifesting jobs, people, and experiences that are energizing, exciting, and meaningful for us. If we are disconnected from ourselves and believing that we need to behave a certain way that goes against our natural rhythms and energy flow, we are likely manifesting jobs and circumstances that leave us drained, unsatisfied, and frustrated. You are a powerful manifestor! You’re always manifesting!
As Generators and MG’s, our manifestation process begins when we get clear on our desires. We don’t have to do anything, we don’t have to act on the desire, we just have to get clear on it.
This will automatically begin to draw this thing toward us - this is the power of our aura.
No matter what your chart looks like, if you’re a Manifesting Generator you are still primarily a Generator Type a.k.a. Sacral Being and it’s important for you to “wait to respond.” However, if you’re a class MG with channel 34-20, which connects the Sacral to the Throat, you will have direct manifesting ability.
You will typically move quickly from response to action, meaning when you have made a decision, you will find yourself able to move directly into making it happen. Instead of feeling a “yes” or “no” in your gut, you may also hear yourself saying “yes” or “no.” Overall, you’re able to move energy into manifestation more quickly, but that energy still needs to come from a response.
I would say that for everyone, Generator/MG or not, your Human Design Strategy and Authority are here to tell you how to best manifest a life that is in alignment for you and for your aura type - a life that will make you feel alive, purposeful, and connected. Human Design is, at its heart, about manifestation. The Strategy of how you make that happens depends on your aura Type.
There is a lot of information out there about manifestation. Most of it centers on mindset, the Law of Attraction, keeping yourself in a certain vibration. While there is some truth in all of this information, manifestation can feel like a confusing subject for Generators/MG’s in particular. How do we make something happen if we have to wait to respond?
Our trajectory tends not to be as direct. Following our Sacral response is a non-linear process. If we are truly following our Strategy and Authority, we can’t usually wake up in the morning and create a list of exactly what we will do at exactly each hour of the day and still feel aligned and connected. Five or ten-year plans probably aren’t for us (I always hated that question in interviews! Why would I limit myself?!).
If you have entered into a job or lifestyle that comes with more structure, that is ok! If your Sacral is lit up by it, then you will flow with that schedule. However, even within that schedule, you will likely have lots to respond to and many areas where you can use your Sacral response to help you navigate your next move.
Sometimes during my most productive days, I end up taking a spontaneous trip to the park, work on a side project I didn’t intend to, writing about something that I wasn’t focused on the night before, or spend more than an hour journaling about feelings I didn’t have come up until that afternoon. At the end of the day, I still feel fulfilled and full of purpose, because I went where my sacral guided me. If I’m trusting my Sacral and following it, I find that everything gets done at just the perfect time, and I am able to recharge each night and begin each day excited about what I’m doing.
As Generators/MG’s, we do need to wait to respond to things that are drawn in by our expansive auras. This is how we will best move toward manifesting our specific desires. However, just because we don’t initiate and we wait to respond doesn’t mean that we are doing nothing. Initiating means going after something with a specific outcome in mind. Responding to life? Well, we are doing it constantly.
Every day, life is asking us a million questions we can respond to. Everything we see can be a potential inspiration. When learning and creating, we can respond to literally anything we see and explore that idea.
We can share our creations and ideas - we just have to do it without expectations. We’ve already gotten clear on our desires, so we can trust that our Sacral energy will align with those. What’s important is that we aren’t forcing those creations into a box i.e. thinking - “I’m sharing this because I want to monetize it and make X dollars.” The idea is that if this is our true path, we will receive something to respond to which will take us in the direction that will most fulfill us (and meet our desires, or even exceed our desires). Sacral energy is pure life force energy. It cannot be controlled by ideas that originate from our minds, and we would never want it to - it has its own rhythm, power, intelligence, and path that will transform us if we are willing to surrender to it.
Living from a place of Sacral response is radical in today’s world. Trusting your process, your speed, and your personal rhythm is not something we are taught in school. We are held to standards from the moment we are born. They only intensify as we get older. The Generator/MG path is not linear in a logical sense, but we still get where we are going, exactly when we should get there. We are stewards of life force energy. This energy is so much bigger than our minds, thoughts, and plans. This is a sacred task. We are here to magnetize opportunities to us and then know how to respond to them. We are going for mastery, depth, sustainability, and creation from deep inside the soul. It is a beautiful life and a beautiful way of manifesting.
Generators and MG’s, if you are living from your Sacral response (and then your Emotional Authority, if you have that):
When you listen to your gut, you are manifesting
When you are playing, you are manifesting
When you say yes to something, you are manifesting
When you say no to something, you are manifesting
When you are making money, you are manifesting
When you’re spending money, you are manifesting
When you are resting, you are manifesting
When you are doing work that energizes you, you are manifesting
When you take a break, you are manifesting
When you feel your emotions, you are manifesting
When you face your fears of uncertainty, you are manifesting
What are you manifesting? How are you manifesting it? What is your understanding of manifestation? What are your best and worst experiences of manifestation? Anything else to share?
Make sure to keep in touch!