How Generators and Manifesting Generators Can Love The Process and Surrender the Destination
© Pure Generators. This image cannot be used without permission.
The magic of Sacral beings is that we are all about the process. We are here to enjoy the process, refine the process, juice up the process, and flow with the process.
This is a topic that is dear to my heart lately since it is something that I often struggle with. In a world where our actions have consequences and we have been taught to sacrifice ourselves for the end game, how do we, as Sacral beings, stay focused on the process instead of the outcome or impact of what we’re doing?
Generators and MG’s need to be very clear on what we desire and what we want to come into our lives. This clarity can take the form of concrete details or something like a feeling. Getting clear on our desires allows us to attract what we want through our expansive, welcoming auras that are always communicating with everything around us on our behalf and giving us lots of things to respond to.
However, these desires can also become poisonous to us if we spend too much time thinking of them as a destination that we must reach. Focusing on the destination has been what has got most of us off track; Instead of thinking about the specifics of the work we’re doing, we work for the paycheck, the status, the influence, or the security we think it will bring. We work to support our families, to buy the things we want, to feel safe in a world where we’ve been taught that we must sacrifice ourselves and where, unfortunately, most of the world is working themselves to the bone and not even achieving any financial security. We’ve been taught to always think of the endgame and have lost connection with who we truly are and what we enjoy doing (which is synonymous with our purpose!)
When I’m going through challenges and feeling frustrated, I often reflect on what my desire was in the first place…which led me to the responses I made…which led me to my current reality.
Once I am clear on my desires, I will think - how can I incorporate this desire into my PROCESS, instead of making it my destination?
For instance - when I left my job last spring, my desire for my work life was to feel in flow, satisfied, free, creative, peaceful, and connected to myself and the universe. If I treat that as my destination and try to grind my way to that eventuality, it just won’t work. I’ll get frustrated and I’ll burn out. I’m a Sacral being. My magic, life, and satisfaction are found in my process.
So, now I have shifted to thinking - how can I add more flow, satisfaction, freedom, creativity, peace, and connection into my process?
So many of us are still stuck in work that isn’t meant for us or isn’t engaging enough for our varying interests. So, how do we enjoy our process when really, we don’t like the process we are engaged in?
You can move to a place from flow with your process if you think about it differently. When viewing the work that you don’t currently enjoy, can you think about it differently? For instance, can you see the work as:
Helping you grow?
Helping you understand what you don’t want?
Supporting you while you gain clarity in your desires?
Supporting your transition into meaningful work?
This will automatically put you in flow with your process that will help you ease frustration and attract the things that you do want out of your process.
Make sure to keep in touch!