How My Human Design Profile Helped Me Create a Business

When I created Pure Generators, I knew a few things about myself: 

  1. I loved the idea of being a solopreneur and having the option to make all of my own decisions and be in full control of my time and energy

  2. I wanted to do something creative that allowed me to express myself visually and through words

  3. I get bored easily and knew I didn’t want to do the same thing every day

  4. I love continually learning new things and going on obsessive deep-dives

  5. I wanted a business that could grow with me and my curiosity

Most of these things I figured out through trial-and-error in my last career. After all (and this seems crazy now), I started Pure Generators about a month after discovering human design (or should I say Human Design found me). I could do this because it explained and gave a system to many things that I had already experienced for years. So even though I’d only been “studying” Human Design for about a month when I started my blog, I had been living my Generator life for 31+ years. I had a lot to say about that.


I remember not fully diving into my Profile until I got to the bottom of the basics of what it meant to be a Sacral Being and Generator. I feel that we are divinely guided through our Human Design learning process, and different aspects of our design call out to us when they will be most applicable in our lives. 

As I got serious about building my business, Profile started to jump to the forefront of my awareness. What was the gift it had to offer me?

There is a lot of noise out there in the online business space. A lot of should’s, absolutes, and possibilities. How do we know what is right for us? As I learned about my 1/3 Profile, here is what became clear: 

  • I love studying and experimenting with myself. I mean, I love studying everyone, but I can always use myself as an experiment, which is handy.

  • It made sense design-wise why I often felt like I was a stand-in for the collective; it was almost like whatever I was going through was applicable to so many other people out there; my life was a microcosm of the cosmos. The 1-line is incredibly empathic, which I could use to gain a deep understanding of the Generator/MG experience.

  • I needed a solid foundation of creations to support me financially (a.k.a. passive income) while learning new things and experimenting in preparation for my next creation. It felt crucial for me to build something that lasts.

  • I wanted a way to connect with individual souls, delve deep into their designs, and soak up their experience so that I could see real-life applications of G and MG challenges and triumphs.

© Pure Generators. This image cannot be used without permission.

And so, with my Profile at the forefront of my mind (and guided through the details by my Sacral Authority, of course), I built out the specifics of my Pure Generators income streams, containers for sharing content, and offerings for connecting with others.

This did not happen overnight. It happened over more than a year as I felt my way through creating something from nothing when I had very little experience doing anything like this before.


I also made sure to approach my process in alignment with my Profile. After all, our Profiles, like all of Human Design, are just as much about our lived process in motion.

So, in true 1/3 style, I was ruthless about researching my options, trying things out, and figuring out what worked for me in the long term. I experimented A LOT, and the first year was full of figuring out what didn’t work. In fact, most of what I tried ended up being something I didn’t want to continue.

Eventually, some things started to stick. Armed with the knowledge of my 1/3 dynamic, I knew that this was ok. I was on the right track.


I always consider my 1/3 nature when I take on new commitments, projects, and creations. Will this satisfy me both intellectually and creatively? Will it allow me space to grow? Do I have room to experiment and refine? Allowing myself to live out my Profile is key, and understanding my Profile allows me to ask the right questions.

I would highly recommend learning as much as you can about your Profile and applying it to your life!

I’ve created some Profile Guides to help with this process. They are available here.


Keywords for 1/3, 2/4, 3/5, 4/6, 5/1, and 6/2 Human Design Profiles


How I Manifest Using Human Design