How I created a Human Design report that 6k people loved and made $60,000 for my business

Almost three years ago, I was investigating a desire. As a Generator, my Sacral wanted a custom Human Design chart calculator that would provide my community an easy place to see the components of their Human Design charts that they were interested in.

My Human Design friends and I were brainstorming—how difficult would this be to build ourselves? We thought through the complex database, calculator, and interface necessary. Overwhelmed by the work involved, we decided it wasn’t the right time to build something from scratch.

However, I couldn’t let the idea go. I started perusing the sites of HD practitioners to see if they were using custom calculators. Under a particularly attractive chart calculator, I saw a small link to and clicked. What?! There was a site that offered exactly what I was looking for??? I quickly created my account, easily customized a calculator to embed on my site, and informed my audience.

Everyone was thrilled that they could finally see all the components of their chart in one place, for free, using the language I used in my content, without having to log in to a program. I loved that the chart used my brand’s colors, creating a coherent look across my site, social media, and book.

My first chart report was born!

In 2022, I set an intention to make Human Design information as accessible as possible for everyone who wanted to learn. In true Sacral Authority fashion, I let go of the details of how I would make this happen, followed the breadcrumbs, and made moves one response at a time. Suddenly, two huge responses propelled me into action within the same month—I got a book deal to write an informational book about Human Design and I saw would enable me to offer a report that would download instantly.

I decided to create something at a low price point that would enable my audience to get all the information they needed to begin their Human Design experiment and allow them to purchase charts to learn about their friends and family.

Just by typing in your (or a loved one’s) birth details, you could download a fully customized .pdf with info about Type, Strategy, Authority, Definition, Profile, Incarnation Cross, Digestion/Determination, Environment, View/Perspective, Motivation, Energy Centers, and how to decondition.

I was excited about the project, but I had no idea how much everyone would like it, too. The day I launched the report, hundreds of people jumped on to calculate and purchase their .pdf. I was so satisfied that I’d created something that everyone found valuable.

My first report, the Quick-Start Guide:

After nearly three years and almost 6,000 reports purchased, this chart report has helped introduce thousands of people to Human Design and provided a steady source of passive income for my business. It’s a revelation to be able to offer people something the minute they land on my website without having to wait to receive a custom product. No matter where I am in the world or what I’m doing, everyone can get the information they need within a few seconds.

I have been impressed with as a company, too—they deeply understand the needs of their HD practitioner customers, have responsive and helpful customer service, templates to use, offer free live business training and step-by-step instructions for how to use their software, and are always adding new features. Their company aligns with my favorite Aquarian Age ideals of fostering community and providing win-win solutions.

Relationship Reports

In 2024, I started manually creating relationship reports and building a content library so that I could offer my community a reading that covered Human Design connection charts in a similar custom, easy-to-digest report format. I was excited by the possibility of using the software to provide an instant download, so I kept my fingers crossed and trusted they would roll it out at the perfect time (if you have channel 5-15 like I do, you know that you’re always in the right place at the right time!).

I am happy to say that they now have a new relationship chart calculator and the ability to create instant-download relationship reports! I’m currently working feverishly to write tens (hundreds?) of thousands of words to cover every combination of Types, Authorities, Profiles, Variable, Channels, and more!

For now, you can calculate the relationship chart for two people. Soon, you’ll be able to purchase a chart report to tell you what it all means!

After all, Human Design isn’t just about knowing ourselves—it’s about how we fit into the fabric of our families, communities, and humanity as a whole. When we live out the role that comes naturally, we can experience success, satisfaction, peace, and delight in our relationships of all kinds.

If you’d like to be notified when I release the instant-download relationship reports, please sign up here:

If you’re a Human Design practitioner interested in getting your own Bodygraphchart HD chart calculator, you can sign up here.

And if you are interested in doing relationship reports, you can view all the info on how to create one here.

P.S. This article does include an affiliate link for any HD practitioners who sign up to use! If you sign up through my link, I receive a small commission.


Do we owe other people nothing? What does your Human Design Profile tell you about what you owe the world?


Are you a Generator or MG that wants to leave your job but can’t quit yet? This is for you!