Human Design Throat Center - Defined, Undefined, and Completely Open

The throat center is one of my favorite aspects of Human Design and understanding how you are designed to create, express yourself, and manifest is incredibly helpful.

So, why is the Throat important?

The Throat is where all of our energy ultimately ends up to be expressed. Our Head and Root, our two pressure centers, are pumping the energy down and up through the bodygraph, where it meets at the throat.

As someone with only one throat gate activated, I often felt like I couldn’t make things happen, I had no power to create, and no control over my destiny. The idea of “just do it” or springing into action was not something that came naturally to me, yet it was an expectation in my work life (and conditioning we all receive throughout school as children). I tended to create slowly, taking many breaks, and when the energy wasn’t there, I just couldn’t force it. It was frustrating and I wondered - how can I ever be successful as a creative person or someone who works for myself (which were my ultimate dreams)?

Once I understood how my throat center worked, all of this became easier. I recognized that I always have exactly what I need in order to do what I want and that my energy simply expressed itself in different ways than I was expecting.

The Throat Center and Surrender

Our throat center, no matter how it is configured, requires surrender.

Defined throats = surrender to our Authority to guide what to do or say

Undefined throats = surrender to what you want to say, and to the spaces in between, when the energy is making its way to the throat

Completely open throats = surrender to the interplay with the outside world and trusting the timing and flavor of your activity and expression

Now, let’s talk a bit about the dynamics of the defined, undefined, and completely open throat:

The defined throat:

  • Fixed way of expressing things

  • Can speak when you need to (and feel moved)

  • Can take consistent action (if you have a motor center connected - either the Heart, Solar Plexus, or Sacral)

  • When connected to a motor center, can feel the impulse to talk/do too much

  • When connected to the Ajna or G center, can have a tendency to babble if not listening to authority

The undefined throat:

  • Can feel pressure to speak/do

  • Communication style influenced by the environment

  • Can speak in a variety of different voices depending on the situation

  • Can feel powerless to take action

  • Can’t always predict what will come out of your mouth

  • Thrive when comfortable with silence and wait to be asked to speak

The completely open throat:

  • Can feel immense pressure to speak/do

  • Can feel lost about what to say/do

  • Immense wisdom about how to communicate

  • Flexible in your communication style

  • The world is magnetized to you and engages you when you have something to say

  • Can’t always predict what will come out of your mouth

  • Thrive when comfortable with silence

The Gates and Channels

The gates and channels that we have activated also play a part in how we create, manifest, and express. Each channel and gate has a different flavor and energy, and when we know the dynamics of that gate, we can understand how we best manifest and communicate.

In readings, I pay particular attention to the defined channels in the Generators and MG’s that I read for, since these channels will determine how energy consistently enters that center.

In Generators with undefined throats and hanging gates, I take a look at which ones and how many they have to determine how they affect their processs.

For instance, I have an undefined throat with one gate:

Because this is an unconscious (red) gate, I don’t have much conscious control over it.

This is what I’ve learned about my throat over time:

  • It is fine for me to be silent when I have nothing to say

  • If I do have something to say, people will feel that and naturally gravitate to me - I don’t need to make myself noticed

  • I have to surrender regarding the timing of my life and creations - the energy is going to make its way from my Sacral up to my throat at its own pace, at exactly the right time

Recognizing this has truly changed my life. I stress less, I am more patient, I have more trust in myself and my process, and I feel so much more confident. I want that for everyone!



Make sure to keep in touch!


Listen to me talk about Human Design on the Hadassah Collective podcast!


North Nodes Part II: What if parts of my Human Design conflict with my North Node?