Creating a New Paradigm lifestyle

From the time I had the option to begin constructing my own vision for my life and existence (a.k.a. as soon as I left the structures I had existed in for my entire “adult” life like school and university), I’ve been fascinated with what we might call alternative lifestyles.  

I’ve researched tiny houses, converted buses, homesteading, traveling, minimalism, mortgage and debt-free living, early retirement, and more.

I did my own experiments. I lived in city apartments, suburbs, and in a little farmhouse out in the country. I had only enough belongings to fit in a small sedan and filled a 600 square foot apartment that I stayed in for four years. I purged belongings and accumulated belongings. I felt angry at all the limited monopolistic options for internet service and lived without it for a few months. I considered what it might be like to live in communal spaces with few personal effects like nuns and monks.

However, none of these “lifestyles” felt like they went deep enough for me. They were all centered around the material aspects of living and not the energetic.

When it came down to it, I liked the idea of the freedom of not needing to exist in a traditional job but I also didn’t want to spend all my time managing my material world. Chopping wood, carrying water, growing my own food all year? No thanks, not for me. I’ve always felt that mixing with the energies of a city is one of life’s pleasures.

In so many ways, I love the creativity and energy of things we’ve constructed in urban society - city squares, public transportation, museums and galleries, bookstores and cafes, moving and inspirational art of all kinds (Wet Kitchens environment!)I didn’t see myself exiting material society.

The copious amounts of time devoted to contemplation and connecting to God of a nun/monk’s life became very appealing, but I like my privacy, freedom, creature comforts, and romantic partnership.  

As I got older, more experienced, and expanded my consciousness, I realized…I could design my own life. I could pick and choose from everything I’ve experienced to construct my own New Paradigm lifestyle. The foundation of the New Paradigm lifestyle was that I was living from inner guidance.

Maybe I could:

  • Work for myself and sustain myself with my creations

  • Make enough money that I feel fully supported and free

  • Spend most of my day connected to source energy, creating and communing with God

  • Live with my Twin Flame/divine partner

  • Collaborate with like-minded friends all over the world

  • Swathe myself in ethical, high-quality soft clothing

  • Build a modern, urban house with a lot of creative workspace

  • Spend part of the year in _______ [insert city/place that appeals to me]

  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

  • Always be learning, investigating, and expanding

And honestly…this is just a snapshot of some things I am doing/want to do in the future. This lifestyle can change at any time because I am creating it.

Maybe the world is evolving into billions of individuals who are constructing our own individual lifestyles instead of subscribing to any one narrative. 

When we disconnect from the mainstream path of the matrix, it can be scary. Sometimes we look for some other definition, structure, or movement to plug into. 

Maybe we don’t need to because it will be different for everyone. But with no external guides, how do we move forward?


The key to all of this is that what I shared above about how I want to live my life is that it is the physical manifestation of a process that starts within. As opposed to manipulating material resources to create our lifestyle, or signing on to something external and allowing it to affect us, we will always look inside. This is the heart of what I feel is the New Paradigm lifestyle - connecting within for guidance instead of outside and prioritizing our own unique way of navigating the world (and leaving room for others to do the same!)

I am always asking myself:

  • Where does my energy want to go?

  • Where do I feel best?

  • What matters to me?

  • What is satisfying?

  • What feels meaningful?

Human Design, astrology, numerology, journaling, and tarot/oracle cards have been amazing tools for constructing the life that actually works for *me.* Your tools could be different. I find each of these valuable because they help me tap into a deeper current - my soul’s path, aura, and physical cues. 

From there, my life has source as the architect - I am the specific flavor of source’s expression, living out what my soul came to experience in this specific body on Earth.

As more and more of us have the opportunity to live this way (and are brave enough to do it!) decentralization (i.e. redistributing power over determining how we live our lives from one central societal narrative to each individual) is inevitable. We will all be living our unique lifestyles, coexisting in harmony.

What would your New Paradigm lifestyle look like?



Make sure to keep in touch!


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