The New Paradigm of Self Help

I read a lot of “self-help” books, watch a lot of personal development videos, and devour everything about healing and truth and the self and humanity that I can. I am a bit like (or a lot like?!?) an extraterrestrial anthropologist of the human inner life, and I embrace this role. My most favorite ones are always stories by people about their lives. It’s likely this way because at the end of the day, I’m most interested in figuring out WHO I AM. I like listening to stories by other people. What resonates? What doesn’t? I embrace this, too, because I know it is my purpose. 

What stands out to me is that everyone has their own version of the truth. And, of course we do. That’s why we’re here, it’s why we’re humans, little splinters of great cosmic oneness. But what most people, even leaders in the spiritual world, can be ignorant of is that we are all made differently. This is why Human Design has been so empowering for me. 

Now, I will listen to a talk or read a post or book by someone and when I hear them say something in a way that implies it is universal truth, I can think - well, that person is a Manifestor, and so that is only true for Manifestors. Or, that person is a Generator, so of course that is true for them. The other day I heard an author speak about a fellow author friend of hers who said “I just finished a book and I can’t wait to see what impact it has.” She said she wanted to tell her friend that actually, the most magical part of her book’s journey had already happened - the creation. This author who was speaking is a Generator, so of course she thinks that! But what about her friend? She might be a Manifestor! The most magical part of her process might be the impact she has on others. 

© Pure Generators. This image cannot be used without permission.

I believe that the new paradigm of “self help” will acknowledge these differences, and be less focused on absorbing the story of another person. Instead, leaders will be focused on - how did I harness what works for me, and how can you harness what works for you?  How can you work best with your energy?

Of course we will need stories from others to expand our awareness of what is possible, but we will be more aware of whose information we are digesting. Certain Types tend to have the loudest voices within certain disciplines and arenas, and sometimes we all become homogenized in our thinking, based on what we’ve heard. We will eventually be aware that while our message may be empowering for everyone, our process might not work for everyone.

I love nothing more than thinking about how different we all are.  As we move into the new paradigm a.k.a. the Age of Aquarius, I can’t wait to see how we shift in the way we acknowledge and value our innate differences. 




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