The Wounds of the 1st Line Profile (and How to Overcome Them)

Recently I recorded a New Paradigm Human podcast episode about the the wounds of the 1-Line Profile! You can listen here^^ and on Spotify or Apple Podcasts!

Each aspect of our chart comes with superpowers and vulnerabilities; Earth is a place of duality, after all! When we understand ourselves, we can see our vulnerabilities clearer and help ourselves work with them!

As a 1-line Profile myself (1/3), I’ve seen so many around me experience the same patterns and issues.

(Do you know what your Profile is? If not, you can use my chart calculator!)

What makes a 1-line?

The foundation of the 1-line’s life is truth. This is truth found through introspection, research, and going within. People with a 1-line Profile need to find the truth to feel safe. From there, we can begin to expand into new directions, but we always need to start with the foundation.

How do we find the truth? There is a misconception that the 1-line is only about research. This is only part of it! The 1-line is information-hungry, but it is also empathetic and introspective. There is a part of us that can feel into things to discern the truth.

What are the wounds of the 1-line?

As 1-line, we naturally crave security! This is what drives our curiosity and truth-seeking nature! However, this can be challenging on Earth because this is a chaotic place. There is a lot of entropy, constant unpredictable shifts, and never-ending metamorphosis. So, what’s a 1-line to do? We can end up feeling like:

  • Our lives can’t move forward until we have achieved full safety and security (which is not possible for humans!)

  • We cling to safety and security in other people, instead of cultivating it within ourselves (which means we end up trying to manipulate or control others)

  • We don’t trust ourselves to weather the ups and downs of life.

How do we overcome these wounds?

  • Deep childhood healing. By looking at wounds and beliefs that made us feel unsafe, we can change our perspective on reality

  • We can lean into the process of growing up, internally and externally, knowing that we are capable adults we can rely on to meet our own needs first and foremost

  • We can build a foundation that we can fall back on before we take risks (no need to fight our nature)

If you’d like to learn more about your Profile, check out my Profile Guides:


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