Human Design is the perfect tool for the Age of Aquarius

This is an excerpt from my book, A Modern Guide to Human Design. You can purchase it here!

From an astrological and astronomical perspective, it makes sense that a system like Human Design would appear at the end of the twentieth century and experience a surge in reach and popularity as we enter the twenty-first. In this moment, we are transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. 

The Age of Aquarius is one of the twelve astrological ages. Each sign is a lens for the era, lending its mood, beliefs, themes, and energies. The age we are in dramatically affects how our civilizations develop, influencing religion and spirituality, human psychology, how we structure society, and, ultimately, everything about the fabric of our world. If you are curious about the science behind how we determine what age we are in, it happens like this: Every day, Earth rotates on its axis, and its rotational axis itself rotates slowly, completing a cycle approximately every 26,000 years. From our perspective here on Earth, the position of the sun (and what we consider the first day of spring, also known as the Spring Equinox) slowly regresses a full 360 degrees through all twelve zodiac signs, starting with Aries and ending with Pisces. This determines what age we are in.

For the last 2000 years, we have been in the Piscean Age, which started in approximately 1 CE. We are currently in the transitional period between the Piscean Age and the Aquarian Age. During the Piscean Age, we’ve been influenced by Piscean themes: revered religious figures like Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed, family, sacrifice, transcendence, hierarchies and systems, love, compassion, self-denial, and sacrificing pleasure while we’re alive for rewards in the afterlife. Our world as we know it has been built on these Piscean ideals. However, attitudes are shifting as more Aquarian energy enters Earth, culminating in a full transition into the Aquarian Age around the year 2150.

Each age has its gifts and challenges. The Piscean Age helped us evolve our collective emotional landscape through forgiveness, love, and introspection after the war and empire-focused Age of Aries (approximately 2150 BCE to 1 CE). However, as we transition into Aquarian energy, the Piscean age of gurus, hierarchical cults, and abuse of religious power is ending. For thousands of years, we have relied on institutions to tell us what is best for us. We’ve allowed hierarchies—from corrupt to seemingly benevolent—to govern our world. 

The Piscean Age led the masses to sacrifice our power, which led to inequality, hoarding of resources, and mistreatment of the vulnerable. But then, as Aquarian energy began to stream in, the invention of the internet made knowledge, education, and money-making opportunities accessible to anyone. Our world is changing, and we are realizing that the people on top may not have everyone’s best interests in mind. The playing field can level. To create a just society, we must embrace everyone’s unique needs, interests, and capabilities. And, as the Aquarian Age progresses, we are morphing into a worldwide web of interconnected individuals celebrating their uniqueness instead of homogenized conglomerates sacrificing our identities for the supposed good of the whole. 


Human Design is an essential part of the Aquarian Age. This system helps us dismantle the external hierarchies we’ve relied on to tell us what to do, who to be, and what to believe. By connecting to our inner guidance and understanding our unique blueprint, we can acknowledge that we are each different. When we know how we are designed to operate, we can allow our inner guidance to help us make decisions about our lives instead of relying on societal pressure. We can feel into our bodies to know what is right for us. And, as we each embrace our unique power, the world will transform.


How are the 1st, 3rd, and 5th line Profiles in Human Design designed to make friends?