Your Human Design Chart: Do you Thrive with Consistency or Inconsistency?
One of the simplest and most helpful aspects of the Human Design Chart is the Variable. I’ve already covered another application of Variable here (manifestation).
The upper left corner will tell us something else very useful about our lives - whether we are someone who naturally thrives with consistency, or someone who thrives with the freedom to do things differently everyday.
The upper left Variable arrow is where this information is stored!
If your arrow points to the right, then you are a person who thrives when you have the freedom to do things in a different order everyday. You have likely struggled to adhere to consistent routines
If your arrow points to the left, you benefit from daily routines and will thrive when you have more consistency in your life
Finding this out has been so validating! I have a right-facing, inconsistent arrow in my chart, and I’ve never been able to stick with a routine for more than a couple days. They always started to feel way too stifling or draining but I also felt ashamed that by not being able to establish routines or rituals, I was less than people who could or I lacked some kind of innate willpower that I should have had. Seeing that this was literally part of my Design was very comforting. Now, I give myself the freedom to approach each day intuitively and choose how and when I want to do things. I love having this freedom to live intuitively.
Human Design is an experiment! It is not a religion, doctrine, or set of rules! The whole key here is examining our conditioning. Take a look at your parents, or the school you went to. If these people were very consistent and you do not have consistency in your chart, it’s possible that you’ve been trying to behave as a consistent person all your life. It could also be the opposite - perhaps your parents were inconsistent people and you find that you actually thrive on a routine.
Let go of any shame you have around not being able to behave in the way you were raised, or if you took on the conditioning and are still operating in a way that doesn’t match up with your Design, give yourself permission to try another way. You might find it will flow better for you.
The important thing is to not give your power over to anything! Do what feels good for you! Typically, Human Design will confirm a feeling that you’ve always had and give you permission to live in the way you’ve always wanted to. Give yourself the space to experiment, but your inner knowing is always more important than anything on the outside!
Make sure to keep in touch!