Emotional Authority, regretting decisions, and fear about money
I received this question this week from someone in our community, and I wanted to discuss it more here!
Hi! I am just beginning to delve into learning HD. I am a Pure Generator with Emotional Authority, a 1/3 profile, and a quad-split. My question? How to make decisions?! I spend most of my life working to deal with the consequences of my decisions! I will stop making them at all just to stop the insanity and give me a break!
Recently, I thought I was following the good feelings within until the euphoria dissipated, and I was left with major financial stress. I'm ready to give up again :(
Many of us have been in this place when beginning our experiment as a Sacral Being.
So, let's break it down because a lot is going on here!
1. How to make decisions as a Generator or Manifesting Generator with Emotional Authority
First, it is a significant shift when we start to make decisions from a place of pleasure and energy instead of an external "should." However, as this beautiful being above can attest, it can take some time to fully understand the decision-making process.
If you are a Generator or MG with Emotional Authority, your process is twofold. First, you are noticing what your body responds to, a.k.a. what is it feeling energized by, or not? However, this isn't the end of the process for someone with Emotional Authority. To decide whether you want to act on this response, you must also allow yourself to cycle through a period of emotional awareness.
Your next step is giving yourself the time to "ride your emotional wave." I'm not an Emotional Authority, so I can't personally speak to the lived experience. However, as a completely open solar plexus who lives with two Emotional Authorities, I have some experience taking in that energy and observing it.
Over time, I've come to see emotions for people with Emotional Authority as a lens to provide you with awareness. The awareness can be a deeper understanding of the situation you're responding to, an expanded view of your past and personal context, an opportunity to visit fears, discomfort, excitement, nervousness, and many other things. Emotional Authority is deep! It's also ever-changing.
So, this awareness does not emerge all at once. It comes in gradually over a period of a few days to a week (usually). I've seen people in my life take months or even years to make big decisions. As you feel through your emotions, they will give you awareness about this decision you're contemplating. The reason you wait until you've passed through the ups and downs of your emotion and arrive at a place of relative neutrality is that it gives you the chance to expand your awareness and view the decision through multiple lenses. Once you've reached a place of neutrality, you can allow your Sacral to honestly speak its yes or no, knowing that your energy flow isn't clouded by an emotional high or low.
There is no rush! Based on the euphoria this person is describing, it could be that they are forcing themselves to make a decision too quickly or saying "yes" from an emotional high and "no" from an emotional low. I would say that - when in doubt, always give yourself more time! The decision that is correct for you will feel mostly clear and peaceful. You're not just following "good feelings," you're following clarity. So, if you're experiencing euphoria, give yourself a bit more time!
2. Following joy amid financial stress.
Financial considerations are real for all of us making this transition into making money doing things that energize us or even just following our internal guidance in the hopes of experiencing more joy in all areas of our lives (and using our existing money to do that). Money and work are some of the *most* conditioned topics out there where we receive massive programming. For most of us, these things do not undo themselves overnight.
Sometimes the Sacral wants things that we might not have money for at that moment π. Having experienced this many times myself, I want to remind you that just because we respond to something doesn't mean we have to have it then! And just because we don't have money for it right then does NOT mean we will not soon, at precisely the right time. Sacral responses aren't whims and don't require immediate action, especially if you have Emotional Authority!
Staying connected to our material needs and our financial reality of the moment is foundational to our Human Design experiment! When we're under financial duress, our inner Authorities cannot function properly. As Sacral Beings in general, when we are connected to both our reality and our desires, we create a potent magnetism in our auras.
This doesn't mean we are putting a wet blanket on all the fun or limiting our potential (because I do not believe in that!) but instead programming our inner GPS to meet our needs and then help us to expand into soul-level expression. We are uniting the body, soul, and our existence here on the Earth plane!
This process is exactly what I created my Framework to address. This will give you the tools to walk through this process of meeting your material needs AND expanding into soul-level satisfaction. But! If we try to jump ahead too fast, we run into the same challenge that person who asked the question above ran into, which is...
3. For our Human Design experiment to proceed smoothly, it has to be sustainable! We can't just throw ourselves into the deep end of the pool without honoring our fears, comfort, and material needs.
If we do that, we will get overwhelmed and be tempted to give our decision-making power over to someone/something else again, which will also not be sustainable because we won't be satisfied with where we end up! And, the cycle will continue!
The idea isnβt a guarantee of 100% safety and predictability. Thatβs not a realistic expectation as we take our lives into our own hands and create our own path. But unless you're an experienced risk-taker with an iron-clad nervous system (which many of us are not!), we have to start with a foundation of a certain level of safety and comfort to thrive as a Generator or MG who is honoring our inner guidance during this time of transition on Earth. Honoring your inner guidance is a revolutionary act (and inherently βriskyβ compared to just going with what everyone else is doing) and if you don't have the foundation of support you need, it can be easy to give in to outside pressures and internalized fears.
This is completely normal and those of us who are here reading this and on a journey of remembering how to honor our inner guidance are way-showers in this New Paradigm way of living. There is no rush. We are part of a big transition. We can take our time and allow it to be sustainable.
Hopefully, this provides some answers for anyone who has had the same questions and doubts about making decisions using their Inner Authority.
If this resonated with you, I highly recommend my Framework, a βcourseβ (which is really a whole new way of thinking about how to create a satisfying work life on all levels) >
Β© Pure Generators. This image cannot be used without permission.
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