My first vlog! A week as a 1/3 Generator and business owner - reprogramming my subconscious


I've been so inspired by some really great vloggers on youtube this year. Getting to experience someone's life alongside them via video in a way that I never would be able to in the 3rd dimension is a beautiful gift of the internet. 

I've been introduced to new people, places, and concepts, but what honestly surprised me the most was how much of each person's aura I could feel through video. 

Just by watching a favorite vlogger, I would feel uplifted, motivated, and touched. I decided I wanted to make my own.

When I set out to make this vlog, I actually didn't know what it would be about. I decided to document whatever happened that week in my life and business.

In the end, I spent the week having a massive inner transformation and using subliminal audios and journal prompts. 

I am planning on making more blogs to document what it’s like to be a Generator living my design.

I hope you like it! Remember to subscribe!



Make sure to keep in touch!


Will our Sacral desires cause us to spend too much money?


Emotional Authority, regretting decisions, and fear about money