How Do Manifesting Generators Choose Between All Their Interests?
© Pure Generators. This image cannot be used without permission.
It’s common for Manifesting Generators to be pulled in so many directions by your sparkle and excitement that you feel analysis paralysis and, unable to choose where to put your attention, can’t commit to anything.
The reality is that it’s normal and healthy for Manifesting Generators to have a lot of energy outlets. If you’ve got those channels ready and available to you (for instance, you’ve got 5 projects started and they all sound exciting), the best thing you can do is rely on your Authority to help you choose.
You don’t have to make any permanent choices. You don’t have to narrow it down to one thing. That would be death for you!. You just need to know what you want to do next. You will have time to do everything (you’re extremely fast, remember?).
So, take the time to feel into your Authority, whether it’s Sacral or Emotional, for the big decisions. For the small decisions, you can rely on your Sacral.
Find a way of tracking all your interests so that you have a method that allows you to survey your options and respond in the moment. For instance:
Sitting down and making a list of all the projects or things you want to do and then responding to the one that sounds most exciting right then
Keeping a collection of images (on Pinterest or saving on Instagram, etc) of images that are exciting or inspiring to you…use this to respond to when you are feeling lost or uninspired.
Any other method that works for you
Then, come back to this list whenever you’re ready to pivot.
Make your decision on what feels good in the moment from there. The other things will still be there when you’re done, and if they aren’t, they aren’t for you anyway!
You’re always attracting new opportunities and you have lots of energy, so you will have no problem opening another creative outlet later.
If you’ve got an undefined Head center, it can be easy for you to get lost in the endless inspiration flowing through. This isn’t a bad thing! Nothing about our design is bad. But if you have an undefined or completely open Head center, it’s good to pay attention to what you’re doing so that you don’t end up on autopilot of going from thing to thing to thing.
Often MG’s with open Heads will start out by saying “OK, I am doing this!” But then they realize on their way to do this that oh, this also needs to be done, and this, and this and this! And then the day is over and they didn’t even accomplish what they set out to do and got lost.
It can be a beautiful journey but it can also lead to frustration when you aren’t able to complete the things that you like.
Are you an MG? How do you choose what to do next?
Make sure to keep in touch!
© Pure Generators. This image cannot be used without permission.