The Sacral Response: Going Deeper

As Generators and Manifesting Generators, we are the stewards of the planet’s creative/life force energy. All life force energy that humans use is generated by a Generator or Manifesting Generator’s Sacral Center.

The Sacral plays a huge part in the decision-making process for Generators and Manifesting Generators. As we learn to live in a way that is in alignment with our Design, we rely on it to tell us what we have energy for. If you are in touch with your Sacral, then you are in touch with your power. 


How Does the Sacral Work?

The Sacral is a motor. In the Human Design chart, it is connected to other centers through channels, like a circuit board. The Sacral is not an awareness center, meaning that it doesn’t think, ruminate, or explain. It’s just a yes or a no! On, or off! 

The Sacral is activated and generates energy when it comes into contact, through our senses, with something that it has the energy to engage with. Generators and Manifesting Generators are here to do things that make us feel alive, purposeful, engaged, excited, energized, and satisfied. This means big things, like our job/relationship/creative life and small things, like what we eat or what we wear. So, if we have energy for something, it means it’s something that should be created or experienced. It is something that enriches our lives. 

While all Generators and Manifesting Generators have the same motor and function the same, the things that activate it are as unique as there are people on the planet. As Generators and Manifesting Generators, we make up ~70% of the world’s population. This means that there are ~5.4 billion different iterations of what gets our Sacral Centers activated.


Tuning in To Your Sacral Response

The Sacral response speaks to us physically. Drop down into your body. The Sacral is located below your belly button. This might take practice because your Sacral response has likely been buried under years or decades of conditioning that taught you to make decisions with your mind. 

Some people will hear literal sounds. You might also realize that your whole life you’ve been making “ughhh” or “mmmm” sounds in response to things you did or didn’t want to do. Others describe it as an “uh-huh” or “uh-uh.”

[Something to note: if you are a Manifesting Generator with the 20-34 channel (Channel of Charisma), you may not experience the Sacral response as a feeling in your body. You may be able to say an immediate "yes."]

Your Sacral might speak in sensations, too, like expansions or contractions in your core. 

It’s also important to know that there is no gray area for the Sacral. If you are feeling a “come back later” sensation, that is a No. Just because it isn’t a clear “no” does not mean it’s a “yes.”

The question the Sacral is always answering is: “Do I have the energy for this?” Because it’s all about energy, when you receive a Sacral “yes,” you will feel the excitement and desire to physically move forward, like the energy is propelling you. 

Trusting the Sacral Response

Trusting our Sacral response is a radical act. Our entire lives, we have been told to “use our words” and make decisions with our minds. Listening to something inside of us? Can we be trusted? Aren’t we all selfish, misguided, wounded beings? Won’t this lead to ruin?

The answer How could anyone outside of us possibly know what is best for us when it comes to making decisions? How could anything be wiser than a motor that was built with our highest path and satisfaction as its foundation? 

Be gentle with yourself as you begin to listen to your Sacral are reclaiming internal power. This can feel very unfamiliar.


When Do We Use the Sacral Response?

If you’re truly living your Design, you can use your Sacral response for everything! Both big and small decisions! You can use it to decide what to eat, what route to take to work, what to wear, what job to accept, when to go to bed, when to wake up, where to travel, or who to spend your life with! As a Generator or Manifesting Generator, you’re going to do best when you can flow where your energy naturally wants to take you.

However, whether or not you have Emotional Authority or Sacral Authority will affect your process for making big decisions.

Want to learn even more about practical applications of the Sacral response? Check out my Guide to the Sacral Response for free!



Make sure to keep in touch!


Generators and MG's: Wait, I'm supposed to be energized but also tired at the end of the day?


Listen to me talk about Human Design on the Hadassah Collective podcast!