Generators and MG's: Wait, I'm supposed to be energized but also tired at the end of the day?

Recently someone told me that they were confused about the idea that Generators and MG’s were both energized/gain energy through doing things they enjoy and have to use up all their energy by the end of the day.

We’re supposed to fall into bed exhausted but then also not need much sleep?

I mean, if we’re always so energized by what we’re doing, then at what point do we get tired? How do those two things work together?

I’ve had all these questions, too! I’ve been feeling into this for the last year or so and I’ve come to some conclusions! So…let’s break it down…

  1. What does it mean to be energized?

I’ve heard a lot of Generators and MG’s say that they don’t really feel energetic. I know what they’re saying, since I had to really expand my definition of what it means to be energetic since I started by Human Design experiment.

Does being energized always mean that you’re in a heightened state of excitement and bouncing off the walls? Definitely not!

Feeling energized can look like:

  • a calm, peaceful, flow state

  • joy surging through your body

  • a desire to do something

  • losing track of time

  • feeling present

  • feeling physically awake and alert

  • feeling jump-up-and-down excited

  • focus and interest in something

  • a pleasing rhythm

  • movement

  • sitting still

  • feeling at ease

© Pure Generators. This image cannot be used without permission.

It can look like so many things! Depending on our design, how we’re feeling that day, and what we’re doing (among a million different factors), we will all experience our “energized” state differently. Human beings are not robots, and we contain multitudes.

Basically, being energized means that you’re given life by what you’re doing. It’s not draining you. You’re not dreading it. You’re not dragging. It’s giving you an overall buoyancy where you’re feeling good about what you’re doing.

2. What does it mean to be drained?

Next, let’s talk about what it means to be drained, which is the opposite of energized. This is how we know that something is not truly a yes for us. It might have been a yes at one point, but now it’s not. This feeling shows us that it’s time to do some re-routing.

When we’re drained, we’re not just using up our energy. We’re having our energy sucked out of us. It’s a totally different frequency from using up our energy supply in a healthy way.

When we’re being drained by something, it’s not giving us anything. It’s not giving us life because it’s not revving up our Sacral motor. So, it’s like we’re using the dregs of our energy to get the task done and receiving nothing in return.

Remember, we have open and enveloping auras. We are in a constant co-creative dance with the universe and everything in it. So, when our energy is not being activated and we are just expending it, we are draining ourselves.

The best way to know if you’re being drained is to learn to recognize the feelings in your body. For me, it’s a feeling of tense muscles, pushing against something, headache, and lethargy.

3. What does it mean to be the good, satisfying kind of tired?

Now, what does it mean to use our Sacral energy up in a healthy way, so that we feel tired and ready to go to bed?

If we are engaged in enough energizing activities, we will be spinning that motor until it’s just ready to be done for the day. Like everything, our body has its limits and needs to rest! Our body lets us know when it’s done doing things for the day and we do get tired. However, there is an overall deep positivity when we are the “good” kind of tired. It’s satisfaction, contentment, and an overall positive feeling about the next day. It’s hard to intellectualize because it’s not something that lives in our heads…it’s just a feeling of harmony in our bodies!

For me, it feels like calm, flow, and freedom. Even if I can’t remember what I did that day, I have this sense like…today is good, today is complete.

4. What does it mean to deplete ourselves?

We get depleted when we do too many draining activities. This leads to burnout, frustration, and this deep feeling that something is not right in our bodies.

We are dull, dead, dissociated from our physicality, achy, and heavy. Something just feels wrong. If we do this once in a while, we can recover with some sleep, rest, and using our energy doing something we enjoy. If we do it all the time for months and years on end, we can end up in a deep state of burnout and depletion. This is hard as a Generator or MG because deep down we know that we want to be doing something that feels good for us.

Recovery after getting depleted can be difficult and requires lots of care and healing. However, it is totally possible! I talk more about burnout here.

In conclusion…

Yes, we can both be energized by something and overall gain a sense of increased vitality and be tired and ready for bed at the end of the day!

Through my own trial-and-error, I’ve found that I need to do a combination of these things in order to be the “good” kind of tired:

  • Some intellectual and creative (i.e. computer) work that I enjoy

  • Go for at least a short walk (if I do one that is too long and try to do other work, I can over-tire myself)

  • Have a bit of interaction with people, even if it’s just a quick phone call or deep talk with my partner

  • Do at least a little bit of domestic activity, like cooking a meal or a little cleaning

Every day is different and every person’s needs will be different.

It’s that sweet spot of feeling fed on a deeper level by what we’re using our energy on and using it all up!

I talk about a lot of other intricacies of being a Generator and MG in my free Guide to the Sacral Response, so I recommend checking that out!



Make sure to keep in touch!


Can We Trust Our Sacral Responses? Are They Whims?


The Sacral Response: Going Deeper