What is your Numerology Personal Year? How can this knowledge help you as a Generator or MG?

Do you ever feel like your energy mutates all of a sudden and you can no longer do things the way you have been, your interests shift, or your flow changes?

This has happened to me over the years, and honestly, most of the time, I found it incredibly destabilizing and confusing.

It happened again last fall. I felt myself retreat, start ignoring messages in my inbox (which I generally don't do), get drawn into esoteric concepts I hadn't revisited in a long time, watch all five seasons of the Magicians, and overall just feel like an old bearded wizard 🧙‍♂️. This is great energy but not one I was expecting to inhabit at that moment, I guess.

This rabbit hole led me back to new levels of one of my favorite things, Numerology, where I went deeper into personal years.

There was the answer- I had started my numerological personal year 7 on my birthday in late September, exactly when this shift began.

Understanding this has been liberating. The 7year is introspective and more about the inner world than the outer world. It's a time to delve into esoteric concepts, inner work, and spiritual truths and consider the deeper meaning behind things.

Suddenly, it made sense that I felt called to develop my own theoretical Framework about what Generators and MG's need in our work lives to express ourselves, body and soul, in the New Paradigm. 

It was a big sigh of relief for my mind to understand what I was doing, making it way easier to allow my energy to move in this direction I hadn't expected. 

The numerology personal year info was so helpful that I decided to include it as the third part of the Framework because when we can understand these soul-level energy shifts and purpose from year to year, our mind is relaxed and allows us to flow. I made a .pdf guide we can reference again and again. 

In the course, I also have audios that cover the basics of each personal year #!

© Pure Generators. This image cannot be used without permission.


Sample page for the Numerology Guide!

This guide includes a reference page for each number, packed with practical applications, questions, and suggestions that you can reference over and over for years to come.

How do you calculate your Numerology Personal Year?

1. Reduce the current year to a single digit

(ex: 2021 = 2+0+2+1 = 5)

2. Add all the numbers from your birthday and month (not the year) plus the single digit from the current year


If you were born January 23rd (1 + 2 + 3) and the year was 2021

(5) , you would add 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 11, and then reduce to 2. You are in a 2 year.

If you were born August 16th (8 + 1 + 6) and the year was

2022 (6), you would add 8 + 1 + 6 + 6 = 21 = 3.

You are in a 3 year

Numerological New Year:

Our new personal year for the calendar year starts on our birthday, so if you were born later in the year, you transition into that year’s energy on your birthday.

For example, if your birthday is in September and 2021 is an 8 year for you, you will spend most of the year in 7 energy and transition into 8 energy in September.

Here are the basic themes for each Personal Year:

  • Numerology Personal Year 1: Activating new beginnings

    Focus on beginning a new cycle with fresh energy and exhilaration. This is a time to focus on yourself.

  • Numerology Personal Year 2: Cultivating harmony

    This is a time to create emotional balance in your life and tend to your relationships.

  • Numerology Personal Year 3: Unlocking expression

    Year 3 is a time to get into your creativity and expression, experimenting with communicating your inner feelings to the outer world

  • Numerology Personal Year 4: Constructing the foundation

    In Year 4, you begin to stabilize what you’ve learned over the past few years and build something that will last in the future.

  • Numerology Personal Year 5: Optimizing for freedom

    Having begun your foundation, Year 5 is a good opportunity to see what is working and what isn’t, by making changes and resetting your goals.

  • Numerology Personal Year 6: Incubating the dream

    In Year 6, you continue to grow and nurture what you’ve been creating

  • Numerology Personal Year 7: Ebbing to Flow

    In order to deepen and stabilize everything you’ve been learning and creating in your life, it’s time to go within and listen to the whispers of your soul

  • Numerology Personal Year 8: Unleashing Your Power

    Now is the time to externalize everything you’ve downloaded, solidified, nurtured, and built.

  • Numerology Personal Year 9: Receiving and releasing

    At the end of the cycle, you receive and appreciate everything you’ve done in these cycle as you prepare for the next one

© Pure Generators. This image cannot be used without permission.

If you’re not feeling good in your work life and you’re interested in using my three-part Framework to make a shift in a way that feels safe and in alignment with your energy, check out my Framework course!

Not sure the Framework is for you? You can also buy the numerology guide .pdf separately for $24.99!


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