How to express your unique aura frequency in your work life


If you’re a Generator or MG and you’re:

  • not feeling good in your work life

  • have a feeling deep inside that there is a better way

  • yet feel trapped in capitalism, afraid of meeting your material needs, or overwhelmed whenever you try to make a change

…then hi, you are in the right place, and I can guarantee you are someone with something unique, purposeful, and meaningful to offer to the world. 

The key is to:

  1. Understand what is going on energetically on Earth right now

  2. Understand what your magnetic Generator/MG aura needs in a daily, tangible way

  3. Understand what season your soul is in\

I designed my Framework course to touch on precisely these three things:

  1. What the Earth supports energetically job-wise as we transition into the New Paradigm

  2. How to make sure we feel satisfied and energized aura-wise

  3. Our numerology Personal Year number and how to work with it

Even though these bad feelings in our work lives can feel so personal, the reality is that we’re all part of a massive shift right now on Earth…one of the most exciting and monumental shifts to take place here in quite some time, and it absolutely has an effect on what is possible in our work.

It can feel like it’s our fault that we haven’t been able to make a change that we want to make.

It can feel like we are too slow, or too scattered, or not powerful enough to make a change.

It can feel like we’re stuck sacrificing our energy and joy to capitalism.

These things aren’t true! There is a different way to think about this process so that it honors you, your needs, your fears, your pace, and your unique self.

This is the year we are making massive progress, embracing our journey, getting to know ourselves more profoundly, and beginning the liberation process so that we can earn money doing something that feels energizing.

This is why I created the Framework for expressing your unique aura frequency in your work life.


What is your Numerology Personal Year? How can this knowledge help you as a Generator or MG?


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