Human Design Generators, Manifesting Generators, and Surrender

Something I love about being a Sacral Being (a.k.a. Generator or Manifesting Generator) is that we straddle the tangible and the mystical. We build the world through work, yet have the ability to glide through life connected to an unseen universal flow. Our actions can feel grounded and earthly, yet at the same time we all benefit from opening up to the unknown, to love, to God/Source/The Universe, to synchronicity and the hidden wisdom of the cosmos because we are literally being guided by life force energy through our sacral centers. It’s a beautiful paradox, and I am so thankful to get to live it.

If all of that sounds too “out there” for you, that’s ok. Another way to describe all of that is much more simple - following your inner Authority.

Your Authority knows you better than anything in the world. It is you. It is your innate decision-making tool that you were given when you were born.

As Generators and Manifesting Generators, we have to learn the art of surrendering to our Authority in terms of what we create - choosing our jobs, doing our work, creating our own businesses, building a family, all the things we create with our energy and talents. We have to let go of how our mind thinks we should live our life and shift to truly, deeply knowing ourselves and following our inner guidance.


Unsurprisingly, the English language defines surrender in negative terms:

"noun. the action of surrendering.

synonyms: capitulation, submission, yielding, giving in, succumbing, acquiescence, laying down of arms, quitting"

We have been conditioned to think that letting go means admitting that we’ve lost, or have been defeated. That perhaps by clinging, we are closer to success. When we are talking about surrendering to something deeper (such as our Authority), we are not talking about losing our power. We are talking about shifting our power to a different place, away from the mind. We are letting the mind surrender.

In reality, for a Generator or Manifesting Generator, surrender is our optimal state of being since our Strategy is to “wait to respond.” We are most satisfied when following our body’s guidance (also known as Strategy and Authority) for where we put our energy. This is not easy in our world today, and making this shift will take practice, dedication, and patience. However, the rewards that come from learning to truly surrender are absolutely worth it.


Sometimes I hear confusion around exactly how to surrender when we really want something. We have a strong desire. Does that mean we should surrender it? I would say no. We never have to surrender our desires because our desires are like the fire burning inside of us. They are the source of what moves us forward. We would never want to surrender those. What we want to surrender are the things that we are co-creating with the universe: the how and the when. Not the what. Maintaining connection with our desires on a daily basis helps the universe bring us things to respond to.


One of the most common traps that Generators and Manifesting Generators fall into that keeps them from being in a state of surrender is trying too hard to make something happen. I don’t blame us - we love creating things, we love working, and we love to move forward. What we need to do is be mindful of how we are going about this. Waiting to respond to the right cues can feel too slow, but this is the way we can ensure that flow state is in our life. Any time we are thinking in a linear way, we can be sure that we’ve veered off the path of surrender. Here is how you know you are moving into forcing-things-territory:

  • You are doing things based on what your mind thinks is logical

  • You have created an equation in your head that looks something like this: “If I do x, then I will achieve y…”

  • You are working a lot and feeling frustrated about the results that you are getting because they don’t live up to what you wanted.

When we try to manifest in this way, we lose our flow. You can feel yourself lose your flow when you are too much in your head, because our flow comes completely from our bodies, not our heads. Here is some more information about how Generator and Manifesting Generators manifest things while still following their Strategy.


When we surrender, our mind thinks we are falling off the map. We're quitting, giving up, letting it all fall apart. It thinks that nothing will ever happen to us, or for us, again. Our minds have us believe that we are completely separate and not connected to anything else. This is fine for the tasks the mind is meant to carry out, but this is only a small fraction of our true reality. The mind doesn’t understand that we have an enveloping aura that pulls things in, and pulls even more in when we are sparkling and energized from doing what we find purposeful and enjoyable. It's not telling us this to be's just the nature of the mind. The mind is here to gather information and then analyze it. It can weigh two things and present you with the facts. It's here to keep you safe by taking the observations and information it has from the past, and projecting that into the future. This is a wonderful tool. The problem is that we have given it power it shouldn't have - making our life decisions. It is like giving a job to a person who doesn't have the skills for it.

In the case of surrendering to our Authority, we are "quitting" having our mind as our primary way of making decisions. When we finally surrender to our Authority, it can feel like the world is ending and nothing will happen. If we aren't scheming with our mind, analyzing, and taking action based on that analysis, how will we move forward?


This is the mystical quality of the Generator; in surrender, they become builders.
— Ra Uru Hu

Ultimately, when we surrender we are returning to remembering that there is something larger at play. You can call this what you want, but in the most basic sense it is an organization of all the energies on Earth, and within this organization, everything is connected and constantly flowing. This other dimension of life is accessible to us the second we sink into our bodies and listen to our Authority.

Generators and Manifesting Generators (70% of the population) carry the life force energy for the world. When we surrender, we allow this life force to flow through us, instead of trying to control it. We can’t. We have our Sacral motor which knows us intimately and is waiting to be activated by something that it resonates with. Once our Sacral activates, we need to let the life force energy animate us. Then we can create without analyzing, and magically we go from completely open and surrendered, to builders. Additionally, what we build when we have surrendered to our Strategy and Authority will be deeper, more expansive, more solid, and more satisfying for us and everyone else.


I covered fears more deeply in this post, but the basic fear of surrender is that whatever we are wanting to achieve just won’t happen if we hand over control of our path to our desires, excitement, and enjoyment. In reality, our inner guidance knows EXACTLY where we are going, and exactly how to get there…it just might not make sense to our mind. We will get where we are going, it just might look different from how our mind would have predicted.


The most practical way to apply the act of surrender to your life is to rely less on planning or analysis from the mind when trying to create something or complete a task, and listen to what feels energizing, as if you could jump out of your chair right that moment and do it. Typically we have more options than we think we do in life. Here are some questions to ask yourself to make sure you’re choosing the most surrendered path:

  • Out of these 5 tasks in front of me, which one sounds the most effortless and satisfying right now?

  • Which lunch option makes my mouth water?

  • When considering a new career or business, what is the thing I would spend my time doing no matter what because it energizes me?

  • If nothing feels good right now, can I rest and be present with myself until I know what I want to do next?

  • I’m going to play music - what song makes me feel alive and in love with life?

As Generators and Manifesting Generators, our whole reason for being is to live out our inner flow of Earth’s life force energy. We have the opportunity to direct it toward things that resonate and energize us. By surrendering to our internal guidance, we will absolutely get where we desire to go…we just have to let go of control of how our desires will show up in our lives!




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